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Location:Moscow, Idaho
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Registered on:11/22/2007
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re: Pitching Against Wofford

Posted by LSURep864 on 6/1/24 at 7:07 pm
They have their game 2 starter. ...
I’m okay giving Kling another shot to see if his light comes on. Probably not but Larson needs a couple games off. ...
It’s like all the football only fans tune in come June and knee jerk like Jarret Lee is throwing another pick six down late in the 4th. ...
Yet you have determined after being down 3 in the 5th the game is over? Heck the last week as well. Sure we aren’t in a great spot but damn the meltdown. ...
I’m not sure what you are trying to say. But. Sir. This is a Wendy’s. ...

re: Milam has that thing Burrow has

Posted by LSURep864 on 5/31/24 at 5:56 pm
Dude is just different. Today and in Hoover it was like he just straight up said. “Nope. We aren’t losing today.” Joe was the same way. Tom Brady has a similar thing. I’m not saying Milam will end up the Goat of baseball but it’s amazing when you see it in somebody. He is going to out wor...

Milam has that thing Burrow has

Posted by LSURep864 on 5/31/24 at 2:42 pm
Whatever IT is. Can’t describe it. Know it when you see it. Type of guys who obsess over improving. Their dedication and give a shite overcomes whatever physical attributes they lack. They have “that dawg in them”. Not saying he will go on to become the GOAT like Joe. But 100% those dudes ar...
Most Boomers are such absent grandparents you aren’t missing much. Sure there are some of you folks who have great parents that will watch your kids for you like a second set of parents. I’m truly jealous. But in our case both sets like to see the kids every 2-3 weeks for about 2 hours so th...
I don’t really give a shite which collection of variables both government legislation created, market created, greed created has led to this. I am done eating shitty fast food. Fast food has forgotten their entire value proposition was low cost, shitty quality, food in a hurry All of th...
Minivan don’t overthink it. Nobody cares what you drive. Our 2019 Honda Odyssey Elite has been a dream. Sliding doors are a game changer for loading in children. We went from a Highlander to Minivan when we had our third. Zero regrets. You are in the Mini Van stage of life. It is ...
We know you have so much skin in the game Because yOu hAvE a nEpHeW. :lol: Arm chair quarterback over here. ...
You are absolute moron. My three old isn’t weak because I keep him away from substances that will kill him. He’s 3 he just wants to play with toys and shite. Does there come a time when someone fully understands and needs to take ownership of their food allergies. Yes. Is it when th...
Mean while us allergy parents over here are cooking every single damn meal from scratch because that’s the only way to ultimately safely feed your child. If I could give my kids a damn PBJ just once or twice per week my life would become so much easier. As all the MuH pEaNuTs zealots i...
Yeah which is what we do. As a loving parent of a three old. It fricking sucks to watch him have his heart ripped out as tell him for the millionth time he can’t do something everyone else is doing. It just hits different when you are the parent. ...
Yep. We plan to home school. We aren’t demanding a school change nor actually trusting they would. Because most people are benevolently ignorant of all the implications of it. It’s our burden to carry. He’s an amazing kid. It’s worth all the struggles. But damn it sure is nice when you encou...
Kids are messy as shite do you have any? Have you ever fed a 5 year old lunch? A kid sits down makes a giant mess of his PB&J. Tables barely get wiped down. Next kid sits down with allergy. He sets his food down on same table. Anaphylactic reaction. Don’t worry about risk of death the...
See my post above. It’s antibiotics and their overuse. ...
Objectively it’s proving to be the proliferation of antibiotics being given to very young children and toddlers. This is where the factual research is leading. Essentially all the bacteria in the gut which helps train children’s immune systems are being destroyed leading to these issues. We ...
If we make it to Omaha and go two and Q after this season I’ll be happy as a pig in shite. ...