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Registered on:7/5/2023
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Your self righteous and statesman of the law shtick is cartoonesque ...
We have another legal scholar on the board! We are so blessed to have legal experts just like the ones who prosecuted Trump. I for one can sleep better at night knowing that there are millions of Constitutional scholars impartially applying justice every day with an IQ slightly above a third shift m...
Your savior has the constant look of an old man who escaped out of the front door of a nursing home while destroying the economy yet you have the continued stupidity to attack a former President essentially convicted of unpaid parking tickets lol You exude the characteristics of an overweight, under...
You “can’t see” a lot of things when it comes to facts and actual substance ...
You mean truthful statement but I know the perpetually offended have major issues with the truth therefore it must be racist...
Well you are retarded so whether you fly a flag or not is irrelevant ...
I am ashamed that my vote counts the same as Sharkesha and suburban Karen that keep putting these idiots in office ...
It’s tragic having to play Alabama, Florida, and Auburn in the same season but many other SEC teams have been doing it for several years. I hate that you can’t avoid Alabama again ...
I have met and am related to a ton of combat veterans and none of them brag about their service as much as you do ?? one could deduce that it seems a little scripted ...

re: I hate our country

Posted by Rip Torner on 5/30/24 at 4:50 pm
Nah just the retards who vote for people like Joe and Kathy...
There were two “ lawyers” on the panel which is laughably incompetent, I trust they were legal experts like SFP portrays himself ...
100% correct but there are millions of betas that will use it as an excuse to re-elect Biden I can assure you ...
You underestimate just how many stupid lawyers there are in the World today. ...
I bet they looked at your post after reading the computer projections and stayed grounded with your “one game at a time” mantra ...
Imagine believing a communist government ends violence and oppression lol that’s a special kind of dumb ...
That would be true if the Church weren’t established in Acts mere years after the death of Christ and that Church has nothing in common with the Catholic Church post the Dark Ages. Call that Church what you like but it certainly has more in common with more Protestant or non denominational Churches ...
Or they appear to be deep thinking moderates who try to stay above the fray and condescendingly talk down to people on both sides, Jeb Bushesque. It’s comical ...
Absolutely they jumped the shark, most fast food is about the same price as any decent sit down restaurant for significantly less quality food. ...