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You stupid frick. It is exactly what happened. His accountant received the invoice, paid it and listed it as a legal expense. Trump signs checks that total between 23 and 29 million dollars every month. Do you think she knew what the money was for? Be nice to see what the invoice said. Do you suppose...
[quote]That's not a relevance objection. That's a credibility determination.[/quote] Relevance to Trump's case. Yes Cohen has no credibility. NY is a totally corrupt state pushing a leftist dictatorship....
What felony is that? I see no felony to rate enhancing a non bookkeeping error. Paying an invoice to an attorney is a legal expense....
[quote]He had to admit to the crimes and the crimes are felonies so legally they occurred. [/quote] So what? Relevance? Could be Cohen's testimony was coerced in his own case. ...
[quote] The case for the misdemeanor is pretty rock solid. The felony enhancement is where the issues lie. [/quote] Not at all, Trump did not personally enter any data into the ledgers. His accountant did and she admitted to listing a check paying and invoice from an attorney as a legal expen...
[quote] The case for the misdemeanor is pretty rock solid. The felony enhancement is where the issues lie.[/quote] Like a low life leftard would care....
[quote] Didn't Cohen testify to the scheme? [/quote] Here you go the point just after Cohen starts blithering. I know you will hang on his every word. [link=(https://pdfs.nycourts.gov/PeopleVs.DTrump-71543/transcripts/5-20-2024.pdf)]Cohen testimony[/link]...
Too funny why not read some of it. Link in first post. Lawyer ha ha ha ha too fuc king funny. [link=(https://pdfs.nycourts.gov/PeopleVs.DTrump-71543/transcripts/5-10-2024.pdf)]Trial is spam[/link]...
What scheme? Cohen? What credibility? Stormy's description of Trump's dick..... [link=(https://pdfs.nycourts.gov/PeopleVs.DTrump-71543/transcripts/5-07-2024.pdf)]Stormy testimony on sex with Trump[/link]...
As far as I can tell during the whole trial no effort was made to connect the indictments with evidence of any sort. Spam is the best way I can describe it. This from 5-20-2024 [link=(https://pdfs.nycourts.gov/PeopleVs.DTrump-71543/transcripts/5-10-2024.pdf)]Weird scenes from the gold mine[/l...
So the transcript of the trial and the indictments don't match up not making sense or you just don't have enough happening between your ears to figure it out? [quote]This doesn’t even make sense but I appreciate you adding something to your OP.[/quote]...
[quote]I feel informed. Thanks.[/quote] Cool you can pull your head out now....
[quote]Something is wrong with my computer, I can't see the transcript or a link or anything. I'm heading over to the help board, brb. Stay Safe. [/quote] Be patient it's here now....

Transcript of Trump bookeeping trial

Posted by RedHog260 on 5/30/24 at 9:24 pm
This is truly a travesty from the beginning. [link=(https://pdfs.nycourts.gov/PeopleVs.DTrump-71543/transcripts/)]Trial transcript[/link] Since hopefully there are some smart LSU people on the forum try to match up the indictments with the transcript text. Ha ha ha good luck. [link=(https:/...
[quote] The fact that you have to specify "separate from the records crime" tells me that the jury knew the crime they were convicting him of. The OP is acting like no crime was ever given. That's pure BS. [/quote] Here you go you Biden voting moron. Does this look suspicious to you? Note the si...
[quote]Because I've answered on this board numerous times already. Trumpists unfortunately are too stupid or too dishonest to admit to reality. Trump was indicted for 34 specific crimes. These crimes become felonies if these crimes were completed in order to or with the intention of covering up anot...
[quote] The fact that you have to specify "separate from the records crime" tells me that the jury knew the crime they were convicting him of. The OP is acting like no crime was ever given. That's pure BS. [/quote] Okay fathead what then was the crime? It was never specified....
[quote]Don't know if you've noticed, but it's kind of the right side who are bleeding through their tampons that their savior just got convicted by a jury in a criminal trial after repeatedly losing in civil trials, also by jury.[/quote] You better get a towel you are one nasty bleeder. Stupid al...

Ken Paxton calls the FBI/DOJ "Gestapo"

Posted by RedHog260 on 5/30/24 at 8:21 pm
[link=(https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/im-telling-you-they-are-gestapo-they-are/)]Ken Paxton[/link] Now before you leftards start bleeding through your tampons this is an interview with the Texas attorney General and Steve Bannon....