Favorite team:Mississippi St. 
Biography:sordid details
Number of Posts:746
Registered on:11/13/2023
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[quote]The problem isn’t what’s in the food.[/quote] This is objectively false. The data clearly shows that our rising consumption of things like seed oils, high fructose corn syrup, simple carbohydrates (and carbs as a whole) directly coincide with rising obesity, diabetes, etc. rates. It's absolut...
[quote]You don’t need to eat a full meal 3 times a day.[/quote] I don't know how people do it. Then they have snacks too. I'd feel like pure shite if I ate 3 full squares a day. And to the OPer, real butter is not part of the problem. If we'd go back to using real butter and animal fats for cookin...
[quote]Bucket list trip - firefly swarms in the Smoky Mountains[/quote] I've seen it in person while waiting for Smoky Mountain Search and Rescue to come find us. We were chasing wild brookies on some obscure, hike-in stream far up the Newfound Gap on a side trail that we'd found on a topo map, w...

re: WTF is wrong with this world?

Posted by mudshuvl05 on 6/6/24 at 10:12 pm
[quote]Seems like increasingly weird shite is not just accepted but actually pushed as normal.[/quote][quote]Civil rights workers were being murdered in Mississippi 60 years ago. Should we go back to that?[/quote] Are you f cking retarded? I mean, wut? Your virtue signal is noted, comrade. ...
[quote]These half-white self-loathing clowns are some of the worst people on the planet. Have a little self-awareness, dummy.[/quote]They'll call people like me "Hitler," "fascist," etc. for noticing too much, but ask yourself this: how many "Steinberg" whites do you know? The "self hating, whi...
[quote]At what age do you think you were in your prime?[/quote] I'm 38 years old. It hits me at least once a day: my 20s. At 26 I had hair down to my monkey nuts, a 6 pack, and the world at my fingertips with an insatiable work ethic. I'd always heard people talk about missing your high school ye...

re: Stormy Hush Money

Posted by mudshuvl05 on 6/4/24 at 8:57 am
[quote]You people are clowns. Every perceived negative comment about your lord Trump sets you all off on a tizzy and you abandon all common sense and reasoning. It's no wonder you're so easily manipulated by BS. [/quote] hurr durr, jokes on you guys, I was just playing around. Nothing he said...
[quote]You mentioned hedge funds in the context of Red Lobster/Jersey Mike’s. That’s not a typo.[/quote] And I mentioned PE in my original post. It was a typo in the 2nd post, I can't make you understand that. I'm not on this dump paying fervent attention to whether or not I said PE or HF and which ...
I know the difference, i.e., the concern of liquidity, and said PE in my original post. The result is just the same: destroying the middle class and true capitalists, while capturing the state and her actors. Aren't you the self-proclaimed, self-hating Jew? Or are they just family by marriage? Re...

re: Turf Baseball Fields

Posted by mudshuvl05 on 6/4/24 at 12:39 am
[quote]Tennessee had Turf till Vitello showed up. Vitello wanted turf and Tennessee switched.[/quote] The autist is spectruming again....
[quote]Ag Zwin[/quote] You can always tell when a fan base who's rarely in the driver's seat gets to pretend they are steering the car and make the car noises. This won't end badly at all. Beware of the baseball gods....

re: Congrats Aggies

Posted by mudshuvl05 on 6/4/24 at 12:16 am
[quote]You guys couldn’t beat LSU in the regular season, but you sure as shite dick ride teams that can actually beat LSU in the postseason. Hope you guys finally get to experience some success in baseball.[/quote] I really like this melt. Also, I believe the aggots are living just a little bit r...
[quote]I said what I said.[/quote] [quote]Are you black?[/quote] What an emotional little racist you are ...
[quote]What does this even mean? You think the BUYERS of the real estate got some kind of sweet deal?[/quote] Which buyers? If you're talking about the ones buying off the real estate that's going up for sale from the "capitalist" hedge funds, then yes, they're going to (and are) getting a good dea...
If they continue adding to their audio book library I'll allow it, but too much more and I'm out. I've spent hundreds on books via audible that are now on spotify, a service I already pay for. Going to see how it shakes out over the next 6 months, and if spotify's AB library continues to grow and of...
[quote]I know that the endless shrimp at red lobster bankrupted them.[/quote] eh, that was a mostly bullshite narrative put out early on. It certainly didn't help already struggling franchisees, but they were struggling for other reasons, not the least of which was private equity forcing profit level...
[quote]NOTHING TO DO WITH WHATS HAPPENING IN COURT TODAY .[/quote] I couldn't care less about today. The country is headed in the direction it is, and no single politician is going to divert it. Politicians will finally overstep and that'll kick things off, and it won't be some faux outrage, either....
[quote]mmmmmbeeer[/quote][quote]Still fantasizing about your daughter getting cream pied?[/quote] I mean he's a democrat, they're the party of pedophilia. It's a feature of Joe Biden for him, not a bug....
[quote]Lol.. Yes Trump will win reelection.. but it has zero to do with whether he gets convicted today, or ever.. it’ll be becuase people perceive that “Brandon” controls the strings of the world economy , an entire world of like 190 countries, all of whom are experiencing inflation.. and maybe he ...

re: Breed of peace strikes again

Posted by mudshuvl05 on 5/30/24 at 2:26 pm
Of course big cuck texas doesn't like the facts. It's easily searchable, but here's a pubmed paper on the subject. I'm sure you can find a CNN or NYT article, but let's keep it peer-reviewed. [link=(https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23360987/#:~:text=We%20estimate%20that%20free%2Dranging,6.9%2D20....