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re: Tulsi Gabbard's Aunt Murdered

Posted by HoopsAurora on 6/1/24 at 4:34 pm
[quote]Very early, let's not jump to conclusions. Yeah, go ahead and give me a thumbs down.[/quote] Why would I give you a thumbs down? Who knows what is really going on. But I think it very convenient. Just like when Zero44s white grandma died days after she admitted Zero44 was born in Kenya....
[quote]This is completely retarded. The Hillary incident happened 2 years before Bush died[/quote] That's probably why she reads it quickly and ignores it. She had already been arrested and knew what was going on....
[quote]Can he pull the Trump card now, because this movie sucks[/quote] Just imagine all of the Mark Wahlberg and Stallone movies that will be made from all this material!...

re: Tulsi Gabbard's Aunt Murdered

Posted by HoopsAurora on 6/1/24 at 3:25 pm
Dem undoubtedly afraid Tulsi is on Trump's short list for VP......

re: They are pushing for Nikki

Posted by HoopsAurora on 6/1/24 at 3:07 pm
[quote] She brings the full weight of Neoconservatism with her. The coveted Bill Kristol lets bomb errybody demographic. [/quote] Kristol and those hacks will never vote Trump, no matter who his VP is....
Shut up and just be prepared to vote for a child molesting pedophile like you’re told to. ...

re: They are pushing for Nikki

Posted by HoopsAurora on 6/1/24 at 12:44 pm
70% of her primary votes were actually democrats tryin to take out Trump. She brings nothing to the table. CNN might get excited cuz they can Palin her, but she’s not gonna draw mass amounts of indies or white suburban women who hate mean tweets more than their children’s safety. ...
Doubt any would talk. They are all living in their new mansions in the Hamptons. Besides, they'd all sound as intelligent as OJs jurors, so what's the point....
[quote]Someone should put a needle in it and deflate it.[/quote] Ehhhh theyd be arrested and sent to Rykers for a hate crime. ...
[quote]Yes, the case could be appealed to the supreme court after appeals to the NY State courts failed (if they failed). But that is a bit misleading in that it suggests they could rule Trump's treatment to be unconstitutional. The Supreme Court doesn't have that power. They can rule the law Tru...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by HoopsAurora on 5/31/24 at 5:03 pm
[quote]You sound like a fig. Are you a fig?[/quote] He? is an aggy. ...

re: Son of Soros on Trump

Posted by HoopsAurora on 5/31/24 at 4:58 pm
The spawn of Satan. Literally....
[quote]What crime do your brain worms tell you she's committed in Florida?[/quote] Being a Democrat is a good enough start for me....
And there will be an army of Texans standing in his front yard ready to keep their NAZI hands off of him. Go ahead NAZI's, go ahead. ...
[quote] I guess Trump lubes up his dick with Germ X hand sanitizer after he fux porn stars and sluts. That is one thing I've always found him stupid for, claiming to be a germaphone while screwing sluts without wearing a condom. Oh, and pee is sterile is the answer to your Russian hooker question.[...
[quote]Most Americans now believe the only place they’re going to find justice is in the voting booth."[/quote] After 2020 and 2022, no no I don't think they do, John....

re: I'm out. Going to take a break.

Posted by HoopsAurora on 5/31/24 at 1:56 pm
That traitorous pedophile can go F himself with lil adam schiffs play toys...
[quote]Meh I'd rather let the pendulum lie here until November [/quote] I think America has waited long enough......