Favorite team:LSU 
Occupation:A man seeking after the Heart of GOD
Number of Posts:24
Registered on:5/1/2024
Online Status:Not Online

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At this same launch, I forgot to put my plug into my boat prior to launching while my wife drove off with the trailer. Thank GOD a kind fella took over from my wife, jumped in my truck and backed down so I could load up to drain it. Embarrassing but a good hard lesson learned and great to meet th...
You and me both brother! Because of this, I always offer to help others struggling because that was once me (and probably will be again)....
[quote]Constantine found those gathered together, the first churches, and became a Christian, therefore Rome never fell, it became the Catholic Church.[/quote] Appreciate you joining in the discussion. No sir, St. Constantine was not on scene until the 4th Century (306-337 AD) and the Good Ne...
Glory be to God! It is truly awesome to see you listening to the call of God on your soul. It’s been a long journey for my wife and I and we have grown greatly in Christ through learning humility, repentance and to forsake ourselves for Him. Orthodoxy is the fullness of the Faith. It mean...
May the peace and mercy of Jesus Christ be on you and your mother. God bless you....
When James Carville gets on TV while wearing LSU gear while he uses profanity and vitriol to disparage Trump, etc. is Carville representing LSU? No, and no one would imply same even though it’s unseemly. If one could actually identify what the Church is, then they would also NOT equate the action...
[quote]Um... so anyone who isn't catholic isn't a member of a Church?[/quote] You misunderstood sir. The word Catholic, in the context of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ means the following: “Orthodox Christians understand the word “catholic” word to mean “whole, complete, lacking in noth...
“Things you will never hear said by an Orthodox priest in front of the congregation” for $1000 Alex....
Please elaborate, as I don’t understand your reference....
Thank you sir; I - a wretch and the chief of sinners - have definitely undeservedly received His mercy and peace. I have a beautiful Texas woman who is walking with me to serve Christ in His Church....
The Gospels and Epistles were not written in Hebrew nor Aramaic but in Koine Greek. The Greek word used often is ecclesia / ekklesia which means a gathering, an assembly. That is the word used in the New Testament to describe Christian liturgical experience. “Individual Christians of the...
1054 A.D. is the common year referred to re: Great Schism. [link=(https://www.oca.org/orthodoxy/the-orthodox-faith/church-history/eleventh-century/the-great-schism)]The Schism that split East from West[/link] Also, very interesting re: your screen name, Aloysha! As Ivan said to Aloysha in D...
I lived most of my life in the Southern Baptist and “non-denominational” world and just couldn’t live with the cognizant dissonance anymore of being told to live a life according to “biblical principles” yet those same pastors want to ignore or explain away the commands of Christ to “eat of my body,...
Thank you for the question. I don’t “follow” nor belong to any denomination. I worship the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in God’s “one, holy, catholic and apostolic” Holy Orthodox Church. [link=(https://youtu.be/y9MT3yZ4zRY?si=ul3rCRcHFDsvlLJr)]What our Protestant and Catholic brethren shoul...
Meaning of Church as known for 1054 years after Pentecost: The visible and organic body of Christian believers, especially as accepting the [b]ecumenical creeds of Christendom[/b] and as exhibiting a historic continuity of organized life. When we ask why do churches allow gay preachers or why ...
[quote]You sound like one of the commies that McCarthy warned us about.[/quote] Commies=Godless Me=Love Christ You=Wrong...
Looking at it all wrong…if company is sanctioned by our godless blood thirsty govt…then it’s probably a good business....