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Registered on:5/3/2024
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re: Pen and Paper Strength App

Posted by JonahDatHeifer on 6/7/24 at 3:46 pm
[quote]What do you plan to use them for?[/quote] PPSA exercises, face pulls, tricep push dows, being the main ones i see on the sample pages he provides. maybe some help with multi set pullups....
[quote]Diet Soda beats water[/quote][img]https://i.makeagif.com/media/7-09-2016/vNkqi3.gif[/img] [quote]study funded by the american beverage association[/quote][img]https://y.yarn.co/878f2c11-b626-4790-abce-a761bf07165b_text.gif[/img] [quote]discuss please[/quote] [img]https://media3.giphy.com...

re: Pen and Paper Strength App

Posted by JonahDatHeifer on 6/7/24 at 10:46 am
[quote]I only have Rogue bands now because they marked them down for closeout, Elite FTS are the best IMO, but if it's just me working out and using my own bands I'm just getting whatever. If I had to buy bands that were gonna be used in a gym by dozens or maybe even hundreds of people, I'd be more ...

re: Pen and Paper Strength App

Posted by JonahDatHeifer on 6/6/24 at 3:20 pm
any suggestion on adding creatine to my pre-workout routine? I usually just drink water and black coffee. Drink a protein shake after my workout. Should I add creatine to my pre-workout? I'm doing fine right now without it. ...

re: Pen and Paper Strength App

Posted by JonahDatHeifer on 6/6/24 at 2:45 pm
If this guy ran a TD special with a coupon code I'd buy a few immediately :lol: [quote]Noticing mental growth as well[/quote] [img]https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/021/073/1254172884282.jpg?1254173845 width=350[/img]...

re: Pen and Paper Strength App

Posted by JonahDatHeifer on 6/6/24 at 12:08 pm
:cheers: I guess I will have to buy some resistance bands next. Pretty much every plan I've looked at after Grasshopper requires bands at some point. Everywhere online recommends Rogue. Any other recs? ...

re: Pen and Paper Strength App

Posted by JonahDatHeifer on 6/6/24 at 10:50 am
Maybe I'll go with SuperSet or OakTree. What are your thoughts on Benchamin Franklin or filling out the Hoodie?...
Going to sleep earlier has been huge for me. I know you didn't ask for this, but actively changing every negative thought to a positive one and a prayer. Anytime i think "I dont want to" or "I cant" or "maybe ill just skip today" i actively force myself to say " I can; and I will; because lazine...

re: Pen and Paper Strength App

Posted by JonahDatHeifer on 6/5/24 at 4:21 pm
I cant help with your question as I'm new to all this, but 4 weeks into Grasshopper and I changed my mind on stopping at 4 weeks. I am loving the program and lifting in general, and I'm intrigued by the 4x per week training that starts at week 5. So I'm going to run the program using light weight...
I like this idea. I would be in....
I have a pair of size 42 shorts and an XXL shirt i keep in my closet. I was gross. ...
Congrats man :cheers: Getting in shape is fun. Did you keep a pair of old size 36" pants around? Put them on sometimes just to remind yourself of your past :lol:...
[quote] 270/197/185 [/quote] 270/195/185 Loving Grasshopper from Pen and Paper Strength so far. Added some whole milk to my overnight oats and cottage cheese protein bowls to my diet. Still sitting around 1700-1900 calories but now with closer to .8 or so grams of protein per pound. Main...

re: Pen and Paper Strength App

Posted by JonahDatHeifer on 5/29/24 at 2:31 pm
I did some calculations. If i finish out the 4 intro weeks, take a week off, redo the Grasshopper program for a full 8 weeks, take a week off, then do 70s big 3 times a week to complete that 7 week program, I end in the last week of September. Lines up perfectly for my first Squatober if I'm able to...

re: Pen and Paper Strength App

Posted by JonahDatHeifer on 5/28/24 at 2:24 pm
2 weeks into Grasshopper and I am enjoying it. Still planning to do it for 4 weeks at minimal weight then take a week off and figure out training maxes, then restart the program and do the full 8 weeks using that training max. I also totally understand now why people skip leg day :lol: Soreness ...

re: Running shoes worth it??

Posted by JonahDatHeifer on 5/23/24 at 10:58 am
I always wore Brooks Launch. Loved them. Switched last year to Hyperion Tempos. Find the running shoe that works for you and stick with it. Brooks has a program where you can try the shoe out for like 60 days and run in it and everything and then return it if you dont like it. Try out a few diff...

re: Pen and Paper Strength App

Posted by JonahDatHeifer on 5/23/24 at 10:53 am
[quote]they are only a month long and usually have lots of compound lifting and then some pump work to finish it off so overall you can mix and match to not get bored and slowly add weight to the bar ppsa isnt for the serious strength athlete or athletes in general usually(some are). they are ...

re: Pen and Paper Strength App

Posted by JonahDatHeifer on 5/23/24 at 10:49 am
[quote]ust do what I do and throw that part away along with the often senseless "warmup" portion and the "cardio". I'm kidding. I don't want to be the guy to shite on something that others enjoy, and while I've tried to get into PPSA programs, I just can't. Again, not trying to push/pull anyone ...

re: Pen and Paper Strength App

Posted by JonahDatHeifer on 5/22/24 at 3:55 pm
[quote]why so large of a deficit[/quote] Honestly between work and cutting out snacks and fast food I just have no appetite anymore during the week, and it's not hard to maintain. Last week for example Mon-Fri went like this: Breakfast - Overnight oatmeal (with flax, chia, and whey protein) - 45...

re: Pen and Paper Strength App

Posted by JonahDatHeifer on 5/22/24 at 2:27 pm
How about eating? I'm still trying to lose gross fat, and not trying to look like the Hulk or Thor yet, so on workout days (M/W/F) I'm eating around 2000 calories and 80 or so grams of protein. On rest days(T/TH) I run a large caloric deficit (something like 1500 calories and 70/80g protein) . On...