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Registered on:8/24/2004
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[quote]When you try to appeal to lower level/blue collar workers to siphon votes from the DEMs, by arguing that they've been "left behind" so that educated/professional types could get ahead,[/quote] What are you talking about? Are you saying 35 year old college educated women associate with t...
[quote]Oh it's not because MAGA directly targets them as enemies?[/quote] What is this new insanity?...
[quote]Why the GOP is having so much of an issue in purple/professional/suburban areas in the MAGA era. [/quote] Because those people are misinformed and ignorant idiots. Have you ever talked to any of them?...
[quote]DEMs molded into more of an educated/intelligent party.[/quote] :lol:...
[quote]Then leave [/quote] Nah. I'll swing by whenever I feel like it....
[quote]Thank you for your continued great contributions to this thread. Riveting deep thoughts that can't be found anywhere else.[/quote] This circus of trash merits no more....
[quote]not with anything to do with Russia and Putin,[/quote] You need a therapist....
[quote]unrelated discussion[/quote] Wrong. You've brought up and gleefully supported stealing peoples money in this thread many times....
I've been downvoted in this thread criticizing civil asset forfeiture. That's how illiberal and grotesque the participants are in this absolute deluge of trash. You're all as bad as the regressives....
[quote]Money overseas in the "private" sector will be from the Oligarchs. [/quote] Derp. So individuals own it or not?...
[quote]300 million of Russia's own money was frozen. The vast majority was in Belgium[/quote] Cool, by the time western politicians finish enriching themselves we can rebuild a Ukrainian bus stop. What about the rest of the stolen money and assets?...
[quote]I kind of agree, domestically,[/quote] You either agree or don't....
[quote]Then Russia shouldn't have kept almost all of it in Belgium. Why didn't it keep that money in BRICS nations?[/quote] Russia kept money? Or private Russian citizens? ...
[quote]Mad because the police seized your dope profits?[/quote] Actually yeah , civil asset forfeiture is fricked up and a violation of due process. Not surprised you'd be a fan. ...
[quote]Jones apparently couldn’t point to anything that remotely suggested that there was any basis in truth for his daily tirades that these families were crisis actors paid by liberals to pretend to be mass shooting victims. He built his media presence on this lie. [/quote] Weird since he spe...
[quote]I think the "frozen" Russian money t[/quote] You misspelled "stolen"...
[quote]you have progressive views when they apply to your situation.[/quote] Derp...
[quote]just a straight up bigot. [/quote] You don't have to be a lunatic but you seem to choose to be everyday. ...