Favorite team:New York Mets 
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Registered on:8/20/2008
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[quote]“We are looking to increase LGBTQ visibility, create community and acceptance in St. Tammany and the surrounding parishes,”[/quote] Glad to see you’re doing your part to support by spreading the news here. You are a true friend to the LGBTQ community....

re: Umbrella Academy: Season 4 Trailer

Posted by Murray on 6/1/24 at 7:05 am
[quote]SO EVERYONE IS GONNA BE A TRANS?[/quote] I won’t know. After they queered up the show last season, I cancelled all streaming services and took a baseball bat to my TVs. That filth won’t be allowed in my home....

re: Umbrella Academy: Season 4 Trailer

Posted by Murray on 5/30/24 at 7:38 pm
[quote]Maybe I'll watch seasons 3 and 4 years from now when they no longer care about viewer numbers on this show[/quote] Good news. Your wait is over. It’s the final season so they no longer care about viewer numbers....
[quote]not all, but MOST teachers are the reason why young adults under the age of 30 these days absolutely hate America. they indoctrinated them with false propaganda.[/quote] :lol: You’re the right wing equivalent of a tranny putting on a kids show at the library. The extreme on both sides...
[quote]I can also appreciate your hesitation about asking a loved one for a kidney transplant. I went through a big spiritual crisis about that, but my family would not possibly let me forgo the transplant. All 8 of my siblings get tested, plus my wife and several of my cousins. I didn’t eve...
[quote]If Miller would have made an old man Max film with Mel Gibson, it would have likely done double the box office numbers.[/quote] This would 1,000% be a hit. Not to derail the thread but why hasn’t it happened? They just trying different takes or does Miller have a problem with Mel?...
This tracks for me. I don’t smoke but gummies have been responsible for my decrease in drinking. I rarely drink during the winter anymore. Just a bit during the summer....
Tom Cruise MI series Top Gun Jack Reacher Soon to be Edge of Tomorrow ...
As I scrolled and saw the pictures first I thought the story would be that the husband killed the wife, became a trans woman and married the Mexican. ...
[quote]So I guess it’s about Aragorn and Gandalf trying to hunt down Gollum before Mordor does? [/quote] Why is this worth a movie? Did it happen between Fellowship and ROTK?...
We really need age verification added to user profiles....

re: What St. George Baw is this?

Posted by Murray on 5/1/24 at 7:18 am
[quote]That dude has had one in his mouth until the swelling went down[/quote] Exactly. That’s why OP said it’s a Baw. ...

re: 12 Year Old Girl with BPD

Posted by Murray on 4/29/24 at 6:38 pm
[quote]If it's Meridell, don't get your hopes up too high.[/quote] We had an awful experience there but I’ve recently met a family that swear they saved their lives. Their child to adult ratio was about 9:1 when my son went. Learned a lot from that 3 months.....

re: 12 Year Old Girl with BPD

Posted by Murray on 4/29/24 at 4:37 pm
[quote]Update I got her committed today to a long term facility in South Texas I hope that the counselors will hold her to account and not be manipulated. Thank you for the advice and kindness. I hope none of you have to deal with this or even interact with this type of behavior. The Lord will...

re: 12 Year Old Girl with BPD

Posted by Murray on 4/29/24 at 4:25 pm
[quote]Conduct disorder is typically how they label it with kids.[/quote] Also Severe Mood Disorder [quote]I believe it's usually not until they are adults they they use ASPD and BPD.[/quote] From my experience, an actual BPD diagnosis or some other more specific diagnosis can come as early...
[quote]My theory has always been that Larry Leo misspells stuff to increase engagement on posts because man does it work[/quote] This is exactly what he’s doing and we can pull back the curtain here and the morons will continue to rage about it anyway. It's one of the things I love about Larry....
Every one I’ve opened so far opened in the app. Not sure what my setting is to make that happen but it does work. ...
[quote]3 was good I would stop watching after that[/quote] What.. No sir. 2 was the best of its era and Rambo (2008) was the best of them all. 3 was a lesser version of 2. First Blood was its own thing and Last Blood was a lesser version of Rambo....