Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Fayette, Alabama
Biography:Raised a Tiger in Houma
Interests:Fishin n Football
Occupation:Doctor of Autos
Number of Posts:1781
Registered on:10/23/2008
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i'd be ok with a couple years worth of Fauci's salary...
This seemed setup to me. When have you seen a member from the media be able to ask a question without being drowned out by other questions? Just seemed a bit off......
Ler's see; One is in the process of tearing the US apart. The other wants to make America great again. Trump has a true love for this country, hence I don't give two shits about your so-called contradictions. The only contradictions is someone like you that votes for Biden while all the ...
Good thing influence peddling isn't against the law,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,wait just a minute.......

re: Gates on more mRNA jabs

Posted by bamacoullion on 5/19/24 at 8:08 am
I just wonder just how many vaxxs that slob SOB has taken.........
The vaxx working as designed, designed to degrade your immune system. Not hard to understand. What IS hard to understand is how one can remain so uninformed about the subject. ...
Dog killing is routine when living in the country, we're not a bunch of candy asses. How many dogs are killed daily in dog pounds BTW?...
There are no fact checkers, only fact manipulators ...
Last year: 2 steps behind This year: 1.5 steps behind ...

re: Has HELL received Klaus yet?

Posted by bamacoullion on 4/16/24 at 5:00 pm
One can only hope....... ...
Does it really matter at this point?...

re: State of LSU Baseball

Posted by bamacoullion on 4/8/24 at 7:10 pm
Did the eclipse cause a time warp?...
It "turbo charges" cancer in a speedier fashion...
That means it was a terrorist attack, duh.......
So the land of brown-outs and black-outs is going to power all those EV's????? Idiocy...