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[quote]We will see, they greenlighted Reagan when he picked Bush. That was the price.[/quote] Correct. And fully protected him during their Iran Contra debacle. Read George Schultz’ [i]Turmoil and Triumph[/i], an outstanding 1100 page memoir of the Reagan Administration by the former Secret...
[quote]Is this on networks, cable, YouTube, etc? Haven’t seen it yet but will keep an eye out.[/quote] I see it a lot on the legacy networks....
[quote]The part that drives me crazy is when they say he teargassed protestors. Isn't that when 50 Secret Service agents got hurt and it looked like the White House might be overrun? Imagine if that happened right now with Trump protestors. They would be shot on sight.[/quote] A lot of people are...
[img]https://i.postimg.cc/K872MsP8/IMG-8573.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/Y0mcqX2k/IMG-8574.jpg[/img] “I’m Joe Biden and I approved this message.” ...
[quote]I agree, but the examples in OP have nothing to do with "hate crimes"[/quote] Stop with this fiction you often deploy. You know good and well those people are being prosecuted because that crosswalk is striped with gay colors. They would not be prosecuted if it was a regular striped cr...
[quote]Never let your enemy know what you're doing, Donald.[/quote] That’s the problem with Trump. He’s not Michael, he’s Sonny. ...
My only guess is he expects it to get much worse. Call a snap election now while you still have a chance of clinging to power and reset the clock. ...
First you have to find a ruthless GOP AG with balls. That’s not easy to find. They tend to be pussies. ...
First thing I would do is strip security clearances for every signatory to that infamous letter. Then I would decapitate the leadership at every agency. I would walk into Wray’s office at fbi hq and let him know he would not be retained, in a very nice manner while having a nice conversation. T...
I would like to see it happen. I think, however, that a lot of Republicans would tell Trump that he can’t go after them, that he shouldn’t go after them, and he will listen. *And even if he didn’t listen and barreled full steam ahead, there would be enough plant Republicans to disrupt, sabotage,...
[quote]Looks like France might be on fire just in time for the Olympics.[/quote] Macron has already warned of this probability and already blamed Russia for it. ...
He’s not going to do anything to them. He should, and I wish he would, but it’s not going to happen....
Rescuing hostages is illegal. Disguising hostage rescuers in civilian clothes is a war crime. This guy is ridiculous. ...
It’s also interesting to note that the longtime leading conservative party in France, Les Republicains, is down to 7% of the vote while Le Pen’s RN is up to one third of the vote. Les Republicains lost another seat, unable to capitalize on Macron’s weakness because they do not effectively address i...
Macron decided to take a warmonger stance as President of France. He’s constantly pushing to send more French troops into Ukraine. It’s a curious stance for Paris. Perhaps he thought it would appeal to the right wing but the right wing in France is not pro war. France’s budget deficit and debt...
The CIA is an unaccountable criminal organization that routinely breaks our laws, breaks international law, commits human rights violations, murders people, falsifies and manipulates information for malicious purposes, interferes with democratic elections, conducts coups, promotes and instigates con...
This guy used to be the villain… [img]https://y.yarn.co/27d69455-c4f8-4844-a4e6-6d5bbda5b398_text.gif[/img] Now it’s their First Minister. They should have saved Wallace the trouble. ...
[quote]I agree. Unless he's responding to a host or something so he can go into press conference mode.[/quote] Press conference Ron is good, yes. ...