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Registered on:2/27/2009
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[quote]first projected results from France on Sunday put the far-right National Rally party well ahead in the European Union's parliamentary election[/quote] [img]https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:565/1*Irqbz57ypBnuGTuqmbkBXw.jpeg[/img]...

re: Xbox Showcase 2024 - 1pm/et

Posted by lsuguy84 on 6/9/24 at 1:04 pm
When is Fable? 2026?...
I bet you were serious when you typed that :lol:...
You don’t have to try and keep convincing me. He already has my vote....

re: All hell is breaking loose in Dc

Posted by lsuguy84 on 6/8/24 at 4:40 pm
“Two-tiered justice is a right wing conspiracy”...
Flight attendants usually chew their arse for that. Aisle and window are more expensive....

re: Soft Or Hard Tacos?

Posted by lsuguy84 on 6/8/24 at 6:51 am
[quote]Corn tortillas are trash[/quote] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/iYUIQWj7Ir4AAAAd/vince-mcmahon-crying.gif[/img]...
[quote]Lol imagine being this naive about geopolitics. The world is brutal and anarchic. American success has been so great that you morons think things that are typical in geopolitics have a moral spectrum. It's a winner take all world. The degree to which there is good or evil depends on your mate...
Mate, I’ve reluctantly given our newest mate a cordial, and welcoming, jacket to join our train :cheers:...
[quote]That’s why we think you’re pieces of shite[/quote] I think you’re a piece of shite. It is what it is....
[quote]if Trump was working for Putin, he wouldn't come out and say it like this proves anything [/quote] [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/1rK8hgO4VB1d8rTMPj/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952eobfsmjhid9b96j0hz0e1ewuygpdxrk8luefciyv&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
I’ve stuck with the same character and have done multiple builds on different playthroughs. I’m rolling in the DLC at 350. I hope it’s difficult and they give me 50 hours. I’d be elated....
[quote]Eat local.[/quote] Guess what happens next...
[quote]GTMOdawg[/quote][quote]Awgusta[/quote][quote]DawginAwgusta[/quote] [img]https://www.reactiongifs.com/r/spicoli.gif[/img]...
Eunuchs Tmcgin and VOR kneel in solidarity at this news ...