Favorite team:Arkansas 
Location:Lake Jackson, Tx.
Interests:SEC sports & stocks/bonds
Number of Posts:19110
Registered on:4/3/2009
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]Since 2000, has Bama won an NC in any sport?[/quote] Do these football NC count? 2009, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2017, 2020...
[quote]that's every viral vaccine[/quote] So then none of them are actually vaccines now are they? YDF Vaccine - a substance used to stimulate immunity to a particular infectious disease. ...
[quote]lol. They are welcome to try.[/quote] Don't laugh. If $$ is all that important to Jay, then Texas can outbid LSU for him. Just depends on if they want to spend the money....
What be Charles' problem? It ain't like Auburn got very many alums who could contribute to an NIL fund....
[quote]Are they also replacing 'anus' with 'back hole'?[/quote] No. That would be brown hole....
[quote]Jell-O shots, lol[/quote] Tennessee was on top of the tampon board. In fact, the only team....

re: I'm going to travel South this summer.

Posted by ljhog on 6/6/24 at 12:39 pm
[quote]If you are interested in cool Civil War sites, you should visit Shiloh.[/quote] And Vicksburg. Be prepared to spend an entire day at both....
Oh hell no!! Got to be at least 100 guys we can find to stand in the corner on offense and watch their man shoot lay-ups on defense besides him....
[quote]Eurocat is an old school liberal. Tax and spend. Hes not a whacky social progressive.[/quote] Regardless he should go to the camp with the rest of them....

re: LSU just reset the market for NFL WR's

Posted by ljhog on 6/3/24 at 10:31 am
[quote]308th ranked WR in his class[/quote] Sometimes a 3* exceeds expectations. Apparently the man put in the work....

re: Lets all laugh at Arky Baseball

Posted by ljhog on 6/2/24 at 3:30 pm
honestly this year's team hasn't come close to the teams of a few years ago. this is especially true offensively. in fact, I can not recall a worse hitting team at Arkansas in the last 15 years or so....
I'm feeling ok. We still on track to win a natty....
[quote]kids going straight to the NFL[/quote] :rotflmao: There is not a single HS player ready for the NFL in the entire country. ...
Cause plugs provide much sought after commodities....
[quote]Millions of Americans feel the freedom from a would be tyrant.[/quote] Better the devil you know than the unknown demon replacing him. I fear our once great Republic, the greatest nation in the history of the world, is lost. I was hoping Trump could rescue us from DC cabal and the global e...

re: Judge Merchan's future is dim

Posted by ljhog on 5/30/24 at 3:36 pm
[quote]Or just direct the DOJ, IRS, FBI and whomever to get all up in his business... and... well... I wouldn't hold my breath for them to actually get all up in his business.[/quote] Too much "red tape" for all that. He just become one of the desaparecidos....
[quote]should forever be shunned by the international community[/quote] [quote]he deserves zero respect as a leader[/quote] You tell it boy. That shiite should give him pause. :lol:...
[quote]owes her pimp his money[/quote] not pimp, plug...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by ljhog on 5/26/24 at 11:32 am
[quote]This boomer meme is dumb af[/quote] You be f'd up in the head....