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Registered on:4/20/2009
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[quote]I, personally, don't give a shite about this case. I want to see him brought to justice for fomenting a soft coup and stealing top secret documents, including nuclear docs. [/quote] GTFO ya commie bastard. There was no "soft" coup and no documents were stolen. You're a fricking retard....
[quote]I would definitely point the finger at violent video games and films versus the firearm manufacturers. The first two industries are making bank off the violence in their content which they know appeals to impressionable young teens while the gun manufacturers operate in a much more responsib...

re: GMT

Posted by Tom288 on 5/30/24 at 5:33 am

re: Breed of peace strikes again

Posted by Tom288 on 5/29/24 at 3:44 pm
[quote]I'd never understand anyone's Pitbull Fetish. Just not a risk worth accepting.[/quote] Pit bulls are awesome. In between walking my pits I also love playing hopscotch with a loaded pistol stuck to my temple. :lol:...

re: GMT

Posted by Tom288 on 5/29/24 at 8:40 am

re: GMT

Posted by Tom288 on 5/28/24 at 7:57 am
[img]https://images.tigerdroppings.com/Images/icons/gmt.gif[/img][img]https://images.tigerdroppings.com/Images/icons/gmt.gif[/img] [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/LwDouQz95yMqVm9iHA/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9520njsvq3abeh0ou4aymz3sdncjf9fd9uqohi4t3bh&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img...
[quote]Appears the police were the only party to this event that actually wanted him.[/quote] :rotflmao:...

re: GMT

Posted by Tom288 on 5/26/24 at 9:15 am
GM all...I'm not awake enough to roll into a thread with surprise snake pics you bastards. :lol:...
Appreciate the insight, fellas. I'll probably hold off for now, but I'll also look up that MSI monitor mentioned. Even watching content is still a huge upgrade compared to what I was used to given the OLED panel. I can get some mileage out of this and go to 4k later on. :cheers:...

re: GMT

Posted by Tom288 on 5/25/24 at 6:50 am
[quote]tigernurse[/quote] GM Nurse. GM everybody, Happy Saturday....
If some of you remember, I splurged on a new computer back in February. I'm currently running a 14900k, 4090 & 64GB RAM. I opted for the Alienware 34 OLED. I've been super happy with it, but as I've watched more movies on it I'm starting to wonder if I should just go ahead and grab the new Alienware...
Glad I saw this. I'm driving down to Orlando to see Blink in June and neither know, nor care, who's opening. But before this thread just figured I'd go in when the show starts. Now that I know I've got options, I'm definitely gonna hit up a bar until the main set. Thanks OP. :lol:...

re: GMT

Posted by Tom288 on 5/23/24 at 9:46 am
GM everybody. Happy pre-Friday....
I wonder if there will be a scene of him robbing/assaulting the pregnant woman?...
[quote]I had to speed up video playback to get any resemblance of realism during those scenes. Is it too much to ask to get real mechs and an actual nuclear wasteland? I am very peculiar about my nuclear wasteland shows. I just want them to be as realistic as possible.[/quote] Enjoy your garba...

re: GMT

Posted by Tom288 on 5/20/24 at 4:31 am
The power armor in this show is beyond pathetic. Literally looks like puppeteers moving an action figure with how slow and weak they are. People like this garbage?...

re: Have you ever watched a WNBA game?

Posted by Tom288 on 5/19/24 at 3:53 pm
I've never watched an NBA game, I'm sure as hell not going to watch a WNBA game. :lol:...
[img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/43d5d2e176849f9cec5b0bc257479876/8af40625b80c3be3-e0/s540x810/f6f002966f670987f796315bd4c841ffc59ffc94.gifv[/img] ETA: Rewatched the scene...I gotta go hug my Golden now. :wah: :lol: And for something lighter, and by no means is it good acting, but I always lov...
I'm late so I've obviously missed when this was still being actively discussed, but FFS I hated the ending. When I first watched it I was left with an uncomfortable feeling and I thought, "I don't know how to feel about this." Then I let it sink in and as it did the absurdities, plot holes, charac...