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Location:South of i-10
Number of Posts:18171
Registered on:5/7/2009
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You insensitive sons of a motherless goat! Thats just the surface damage! What is that? Damage made for ants!?!? His emotional damage has got to be at least… 3 times that big!...
[img]https://y.yarn.co/5c5e9651-2c19-4c26-9cba-9141b7041332_text.gif[/img] [img]https://24.media.tumblr.com/8f6955bd45ab40fd9012dd82bea76001/tumblr_ms3maobt2L1sezoa7o1_250.gif[/img]...
How old was he? At some point I’d assume he would have Medicare. Unless he’s not a citizen, as you said he was British. ...
There’s not a single world in the multiverse where I wouldn’t. ...
[quote]her Denali [/quote] [quote]I bought one on Amazon for thirty bucks and it took under a minute to program it.[/quote] low key brag thread. I like it. But I agree that key fobs are too damn high...

re: Nate Bargatze

Posted by Ash Williams on 6/3/24 at 10:34 am
He's awesome. I first found him online last summer and watched every single clip, stanup, special etc... that I could find. We then saw him live a month or so ago and he didn't reuse a single joke and he was still amazing. ...
[quote]Private equity buying into JM’s and going to do typical private equity things and ruin a perfectly good business.[/quote] Thank you. ...
[quote]I thought my title was pretty informative if you know what happened to Red Lobster[/quote] I know that the endless shrimp at red lobster bankrupted them. As for as I know, Jersey Mikes doesn’t sell shrimp. ...
Summary for those of us who don’t feel like watching YouTube videos for every piece of information? Your post is like a click bait article. Or a Larry Leo post. ...

re: Stadium beer sales

Posted by Ash Williams on 5/31/24 at 9:05 am
Not for long...
[quote]Thank you, Marria[/quote] [img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/a4kUaskDOZ5iU/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952hdfdnwsjm37lb1kqfrqk02as35yfyqywx08slenn&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
Unless it an emergency I try to reserve my mornings for projects and productivity and my afternoons for calls and emails. ...
Rookies. Let me know when they start using piss balloons. #geauxtigers...
My second son had an actual speech issue related to hearing and we started speech therapy as soon as we addressed the hearing issue, which was when he turned 3. He was in speech for 4 years remedying his hearing-related delays. My youngest had no hearing issue but my wife babied the crap out of ...
[quote]Hydrogen Powered >>>> Electric Battery Powered [/quote] It actually looks really cool. It was a hydrogen bomb reference. ...
[quote]Will never understand why ppl create a new thread instead of posting in the game thread. [/quote] Because they crave attention...