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Location:Wharton, La.
Number of Posts:7972
Registered on:12/19/2004
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re: I'm out. Going to take a break.

Posted by Zephyrius on 5/31/24 at 3:20 pm
[img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS3lgCVMNtQkBfwCJnShHNI1h1H1YbrUQR2IiksYvUXmg&s[/img] ...
[quote]The whole thing is asinine when you sit back and look at it.[/quote] I couldn't agree more when all they have to do is boot the homo priests and the Bishops who obstructed justice. Instead they put the onus on the laity to cover homo priests/ bishops asses....

re: Interesting take on pride month

Posted by Zephyrius on 5/30/24 at 7:55 am

re: 2024 NASCAR Season Thread

Posted by Zephyrius on 5/28/24 at 5:05 pm
[quote]Sources: Tony Stewart is currently at the Stewart-Haas Racing shop telling employees that the team is shuttering at the end of the season. He's very emotional.[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/_6ViQ7ywpC4AAAAM/tony-stewart-stewart.gif[/img]...

re: Christ is King = anti-Semitic?

Posted by Zephyrius on 5/23/24 at 5:17 pm
Palestinians were originally Jews who converted to Christianity hence were allowed to remain when the Jews were expelled from Jerusalem by the Romans. Ben supports genocide of Jews since he believes Christ is King is anti Semitic....
[quote]Gimme the Go Go’s. [/quote] Definitely music wise but clearly not as good looking; although I would have married Belinda Carlisle. [img]https://static.spin.com/files/2020/11/GettyImages-1137399196-1605807286.jpg[/img]...
[quote]How in the hell could someone who was 21 in 1984 have never hear Walk Like An Egyptian?[/quote] Obviously living in his mom's basement playing D&D with himself....
[quote]Carlos the Tiger[/quote] Are you a summer intern at nola.com, gambit, or sadvocate?...
I didn't click the link; sooooo nola.com is posting a story regarding the Saints not paying their bills without getting a statement from the Saints. What a terrible online rag. Who's financing these people to run such crap?...

re: Discuss - the falling of mankind

Posted by Zephyrius on 5/22/24 at 4:54 pm
[quote]Discuss - the falling of mankind[/quote] Basically it is the the fall of Christendom which got its foot hold with the French Revolution. Our founding fathers(USA) at least had the basic sense to emphasize the Natrual Law. The french turned to the "rights of man" and the "god of reason" ...
I don't think there is an issue with the property in that photo as there appears to be no change in the grade just the elevation of the home itself. Now if the neighbor is filling the lot to increase the grade height 8+ inches there are going to be issues down the line if the surrounding neighbor...
[quote]Divorce is a sin.[/quote] God hates divorce but becomes a sin if having sex with other women even in a 2nd marriage....

re: 2024 NASCAR Season Thread

Posted by Zephyrius on 5/20/24 at 8:11 pm
I don't know man... push me into the wall to get ahead of me you better not be the slower car....
[quote]What about this are they so mad about? What part do people have an issue with?[/quote] Women who have had an abortion and hate their jobs. And apparently IVF dad/ parents.....

re: Best BBQ in or near Katy Tx

Posted by Zephyrius on 5/19/24 at 6:58 pm
Midway Barbecue was really good when I was in Katy. Definitely kid friendly with space. You order at the counter. ...
Someone from the Hunt family needed to speak up--- Thank you Gracie!!!...

re: Shrimp Po’boy

Posted by Zephyrius on 5/17/24 at 5:15 pm
I use half and half for shrimp and catfish because that is always in the fridge as the wifey likes that in her coffee. I feel when I have used an egg the fish fry is too thick on the seafood....
[quote]not : "here is his address, go harass him"[/quote] she was encouraging the dox and giving them guidance where to search....
[quote]Right. If I test my wife’s internal mucous temperature to determine now is not a good time for her to get pregnant so I can blow loads inside her, why can’t I just pull out when her mucous is showing ovulation?[/quote] You really have no clue how NFP works do you? Pulling out to avoid pre...