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You didn't elect the one in the first picture neither. He was running 4th place in DNC Primaries, in his third try at President, never having even carried a single DNC Primary state.. When, the order from above was for the field of 20 to stand down slowly, and bow out for the Installed One..the o...
3.5 years of sitting in timeout from a stolen election at age 77, while your guy Navarro does a jail stint for far less than Hillary and Wingman Holder defied.. Hashtag#Winning!...Bullsh!t I get the whole "Only when brought to the precipice will people find the will to change. Sometimes you mu...
We don't have to give ourselves a bad name, that's why we pay taxes...and just let FedFront do our bad name propaganda legwork for us. CIA 4AM talking points. Besides, I lack Rousseau, McKesson, and Epps passion for the whole charade..and their paychecks. I'm not on the Alex Soros payroll. Ju...
Imagine being so evil, that as long as this false reality is played out to plan here on Earth, that a person is so deluded and evil as to sell the sheep, and to pretend while fully knowing that everything is a corrupt lie and rigged..but if comes to the reality("truth") we have to live. ...
I hope that DaughterGroper lives long enough to attend the Biden Family UCMJ Trials. Probably up and dies or pulls a Vincent Gigante fakeout first....
No, he's just grimacing at the whiff of his dirty diaper....
Alexandra Engler now gone for fourteen years, and her daughter Ariana motherless.. But, BR not missing a beat, still churning out sentencings of "acts of random kindness" to rap sheet thugs..long after Trudy was removed to a less harmful bench. Sh!t Towne!...
Only when brought to the precipice will people find the will to change. Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light. It had to be this way....
A Culture and Race that anyone over the age of 12 probably knows who George Floyd is at an 75% or higher rate, yet only maybe .025 of a single 1% knows who Thomas Sowell sad. To watch Whoopi and Sunny Hostin(I call her Surely Hostile) try to grill Ben Carson, only for him to politely silen...
Gonna definitely listen ChillGil's next pod..can't wait for Arenas take on this game's finish and Defense....
Western Conf Finals my arse..dunkfest..TWolves playing Rucker Park pickup game D inside....
Huge fan. 'Ghost In You' was used excellently in the film 'This is Where I Leave You', 'Pretty In Pink' so inspired John Hughes obviously, who had impeccable taste in music. Would've loved to caught Squeeze and Furs show. Me and my chums saw Echo & Bunnymen at Joy in NO last week..great concert. ...
My local Representative was on it, I believe his marriage survived? I was told he also was caught downloading porn in Computer Class at Catholic High, and lucky to survive that too....
Letting a Jesuit run the show..was akin to "We just want legal marriage, health insurance, and tax breaks".. Bergoglio Papacy a slippery slope akin to Drag Queen Library Hour.. Now we know why Jesuits were always accoutrement..and not The HNIC....
I've posted this before, I can't stand their show and yet I watched regularly Buck's Show on The First, and sometimes Clay's Outkick pods.. But, together it just doesn't work for me. Rush's widow and Bo Snerdley picked badly. Michael Berry actually best parallels Rush's inate sense to concise...