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Registered on:12/4/2009
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[quote]He's such a panderer, almost as annoying as the leftist virtue signalers. [/quote] just as** All you need to do in this state is put an R next to your name. ...

re: What work from home has ruined?

Posted by Odysseus32 on 5/16/24 at 8:50 am
[quote]I don't know about all that I just feel that if I have to get up and go to work each day than everyone else should have to as well.[/quote] This is the same as people who get angry when they call someone at 7 and they aren't up yet. If you don't like going into the office, don't get ang...
[quote]I guess I just look it as you are not just marrying the person, you are marrying the family as well. [/quote] I've always found this to be an odd blanket statement. It may work for some, but it even being the rule of thumb is a bit much. I didn't marry my wife's family. I married my w...
[quote]The point I think being made is, is it really that painful to see a boat?[/quote] Not really the boat, more the implication of not being able to afford boat storage. A boat is an eyesore to many people. Obviously down here in sportsman’s paradise many don’t share the same opinion. But ...

re: Do any retirees “miss” work?

Posted by Odysseus32 on 5/11/24 at 6:02 pm
Not sure. I know for being retired my FIL sure as frick doesn’t act like it. Never settles down, that one....
[quote]Louisiana will always be the place I was born and raised and have a special place in my heart. It doesn’t hit you until you move away and come back to visit. Once you cross the border it’s depressing as shite. It’s the little things like litter, quality of blue collar workers at fast food...
[quote]Amazon doesn't own the "last-mile" delivery vans in most states. They are franchises. [/quote] I don't think it's that cut and dry. A lot of these last mile delivery services are operating out of Amazon facilities. There is nuance to who is liable....

re: Apple’s New IPad Ad

Posted by Odysseus32 on 5/9/24 at 8:43 am
This is an actually good ad. You can shite on Apple for certain things, but marketing is not one of them....
[quote]This is a boomer falling for an AI generated headline he saw on Facebook.[/quote] I still don't get how people fall for false headlines. #1 rule is it's not real until you verify. How is your first question when you see something like this not "really?"...
[quote]Crimson would be offended that it’s associated with inbred gumps and menstruation. [/quote] Damn, I didn't think of this. Crimson would be irate...
[quote]More importantly Chris, what if condiments could talk? [/quote] This is a great question, but who is chris? If condiments could talk, I'd imagine Mayo would have the deepest voice of the Big 3. He isn't getting squeezed all the time so his vocal chords would be in tact. Picante woul...
[quote]Green is happy Blue is kind of sad Purple is very sad Red is angry Orange is chill Yellow is nervous [/quote] Yes, but what would all these colors think about these labels?...
[quote]Green symbolizes life in most cultures. [/quote] I'd be pretty happy if I symbolized life. I bet green would be chill. ...
I'd imagine green would be happy with their lot in life. Blue as well. Maybe Red is really nice and we give it a bad rap....
[quote]It is ridiculous how really bad our pitchers are? I would fire our pitching coach today. Anyone in the stands can to a job as well as he is doing. Just pitiful in identifying pitching talent.[/quote] [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.tenor.com%2Fimages%...
Good. I understand their role in films before the internet. But you can just allude to them fricking. Watching them pretend to frick for 5 minutes is a waste of runtime....
Chicken Lentils Squash Spinach Bell Pepper Avocado Salsa...
Is anyone worried about fraud in projects like these? Who is the internal/external auditor here?...
[quote]Get back from run and my wife tells me that the [b]clothes dryer[/b] isn't getting hot. [/quote] You can just say dryer....