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Number of Posts:1454
Registered on:12/29/2009
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[quote] SFP always has to have the last word[/quote] He's the poster child of a narcissist taking the bait....
[quote] quote: You are a binary poster in a multifaceted world Irony is ironic quote: because your only goal is contradiction of pot stirring I call out bad arguments as I see them. I'm not beholden to a perceived "team".[/quote] Can yall both just STFU or at least take this shite to...
Christmas Vacation or A Christmas Story. When I was younger, it would've been Top Gun or Shawshank but I probably haven't seen either in the last 10-15 years. I still watch the Christmas movies at least once every year....
[embed]https://twitter.com/greg_price11/status/1785682387910738097?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1785682387910738097%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=[/embed] [img]https://i.imgflip.com/8on29p.jpg[/img]...

re: Is Civil War any good?

Posted by southdowns84 on 4/23/24 at 9:15 pm
[quote]No[/quote] This is as much of an endorsement as you could ask for, OP....
[quote]Keep in mind that the wolves are just as big if not bigger than the gorillas, but they weight about 70% less.[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/ajvFQmp_iN0AAAAM/huh-davechappelle.gif[/img]...
[quote]What I find really concerning is that none of his high school recruits are key contributors to this years team or last years. His best players were brought in by Maineri and had 2+ year under him or were from the portal. I will admit that Johnson did have some to do with their development b...
[quote]The script is trash. The movie is stupid. It only works because Jim Carrey went all out with the stupidity.[/quote] That was kind of my point. I don't doubt the script was trash. I'm saying that influenced their opinion of what they saw. An yeah, the movie was dumb, but the performan...
Just goes to show you how much bias can influence your opinion. Once they felt the script was trash, their minds were made up....
[img]https://y.yarn.co/ea1cc6a6-8072-4533-ba0b-6ce2be4ff9c2_text.gif[/img] ETA: thought the OP said "digital morality."...
[quote]This stupid White woman will continue to vote for the Politicians that created this new, Politically Correct version of Fascism.[/quote] You calling JK stupid? How successful have your novels been?...
[quote]Untrue.[/quote] goddamn, it's incredible how dumb you are. :rotflmao:...

re: No runs after the third inning

Posted by southdowns84 on 3/16/24 at 7:35 pm
[quote]Not a good look.[/quote] Being a crybaby pussy isn’t a good look either....

re: What happened?

Posted by southdowns84 on 3/16/24 at 7:33 pm
OP is a baby back bitch....

re: Starting pitching

Posted by southdowns84 on 3/16/24 at 6:43 pm
[quote]Everyone thought it might be a strength for this team, but it's beginning to look like it could be its undoing.[/quote] Go watch the Disney channel....