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Registered on:3/1/2010
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I don't get it, did he have some personal beef with this man?...
Is this a mail order bride ? What does she do all day? How is that a fulfilling life for her?...

re: Allison Rice murder investigation

Posted by Bubb on 6/4/24 at 12:16 am
Couldn't they get a list of all the phones that pinged in that area at that time? I don't think it would be a long list....

re: 83-year old man killed by two dogs.

Posted by Bubb on 6/3/24 at 2:12 pm
I hope they were his dogs, but they probably weren't. ...
We only live in Louisiana because of our parents. But my kids are super close to them, and they add so much to each others' lives. At the end of the day, family is the most important thing to us, and we are blessed every day they are still here....
[quote]Crossing magnet fishing off my list of potential hobbies.[/quote] What?! This made me want to take it up. You could say, this article even [i]attracted[/i] me to it......
I don't understand any of what this is about, but whoever's kids those are need to move them tf out of the way. Usually there are gates blocking off the finish lines to keep idiots out of the way. It's unfortunate the officials didn't clear the track....
[quote]Aloe Vera, Dr. Tichenor's, & Robitussin. Whatever ailed you was was going be treated with one of those before a doctor had to get involved.[/quote] You forgot "Vick's Salve"....
Never knew it was from NOLA. My parents probably still have some because they never throw anything away and don't believe in expiration dates....
[quote]The dude is dead. Who cares? How much money is being wasted on this. Addicts will find what they need regardless of tax dollars wasted on drug investigations.[/quote] Agreed. Unless someone put a gun to his head and made him take that, or secretly poisoned him, he is responsible for his ow...

re: I flew on Spirit this past weekend.

Posted by Bubb on 5/21/24 at 9:14 am
I love Spirit so much, I am a Spirit Saver....
[quote]The guy talking sounds like the beginning of a Three 6 Mafia song.[/quote] Someone should remix this into a song....

re: Need advice on which 3rd row SUV to get

Posted by Bubb on 5/20/24 at 4:43 pm
[quote]My wife and I are expecting our first child, and I am needing to trade in my car for a third row SUV.[/quote] Damn, how big is the baby?...
[quote]thier[/quote] Whut...
I agree with you completely. Small planes, motorcycles, skydiving, going see the Titanic in a rinkydink tin can. No thanks. I'm good....
I think that's a weird hill to die on for a public school. Revealing things or inappropriate outfits yes, but literally half of the student body is wearing suits. This isn't promoting anything, some heterosexual or cis or whatever females prefer to wear pants to dresses or skirts. Why can't this stu...