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Registered on:7/8/2010
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[quote]SFP enjoys trolling everyone on here. He relishes it like a pig in mud He’s a very shitty troll if that’s his thing[/quote] If this is your take, I don’t think you understand what trolling means ...

re: Good news for Memphis Tennessee

Posted by OBReb6 on 6/6/24 at 4:58 am
I’m Ron Burgundy?...

re: Bill Kristol.......lolz

Posted by OBReb6 on 6/1/24 at 1:16 pm
[quote]And figures Kristol is one of "God's Chosen people"[/quote] [img]https://i.imgur.com/x8BK8Hj.jpeg[/img]...
The very best moment was near the end when Dave Smith was going on about how we are showing the signs of a late stage empire, collapsing into decadence, etc. then he mentions everything and everyone being “dumber”, and right after he says that word, the cameraman pans to the dumbest looking guy in t...
If Hamas is so bad then why would Netanyahu support such a group?...
That’s just bullshite. This radical Islam you are talking about never had a foothold anywhere until the Palestinian problem started in the 1930s and 1940s. Islamic jihad and terrorism didn’t exist until the 1960s and 1970s...
[quote]One can be anti Israel without being pro-palestine/Hamas when critiquing something like the Israel/US relationship. However, when analyzing the Israel/Palestinian conflict, unless you're taking a pure isolationist stance (which Smith does not; see Vivek as an example of this), it's not p...
[quote]Why does Russia/Putin get to set a red line on Ukrainian policy? Russia was never at risk of being invaded. They are invading a sovereign nation. [/quote] Perhaps because it is traditionally their territory, and it contains their only warm water seaports. Plus there is no way of them kn...
Did you forget about all the wars we fought prior to 1948 in the Middle East? We’ve been fighting the Arabs for hundreds of years ...
There was a time where being so thoroughly right and having the evidence to back it up meant something. But none of these people care. ...
[quote]This board really struggles with any position that's more nuanced than Us Good Them Bad. His positions are very blanket anti-war. Any loss of human life is a tragedy. Where is position loses you is he focuses on the how or why we are here and calls out the perceived aggressor (see: non a...
[quote]I don’t care about your article of disinformation. I am presenting facts rooted in history about who these people are and the danger they present throughout their existence to the West, and the world for that matter, the same they destroy everywhere they invade. What another sovereign natio...
[quote]Further, smith is anti Ukraine/pro Russia and I don't think his reasoning aligns with a blanket anti-war stance. I'd buy Smith's anti Israel stance if he was also anti Russia.[/quote] First of all, this “pro Russia” or “pro Hamas” language is the most childish shite ever. Very very few...
[quote]He’s right about a lot but the way he is so openly against israel means he’s either just a contrarian for the sake of likes or he has a large gap in shared fundamental principles.[/quote] Or, think about this. Perhaps Israel is yet another thing that our government has perpetually lied to ...
Is lying in congressional hearing even a crime? And if so, when’s the last time someone was convicted of it? I can think of several prominent examples in the past few years. Fauci is an obvious one ...
[quote]Read it again. Specifically the last sentence, Its amazing how stupid you are actually[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/eRjjRricmzMAAAAM/krule-john-c-reilly.gif[/img]...
I agree with about everything you said I got on board with him in 2015 before anyone else I knew in real life. 2020 showed me clearly what his limitations are and the fact of the matter is his knowledge and expertise isn’t sufficient to handle the avalanche of resistance he meets. So I just ...

re: Thomas Massie has a new poll up on X

Posted by OBReb6 on 5/30/24 at 11:29 am
Unfortunately that is the nature of foreign interference allegations. You are going to have to get it from books and first hand accounts. No government is going to acknowledge it, and our press is a mouthpiece of the state. In fact, our government has proven they will actually flat out make up f...

re: Thomas Massie has a new poll up on X

Posted by OBReb6 on 5/30/24 at 11:22 am
[quote]Jonathon Pollard was released in 2015.[/quote] No shite. Why do you think the public ended up finding out about the Lewinsky stuff? Clinton didn’t cave And I already posted a source on this ...