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Registered on:12/2/2010
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I’d run political ads in hispanic areas on this. “Biden said he was going to do something about illegal immigration and the problem at the border … turns out he just wants to keep hispanics out and let Europeans and others in. Biden is racist, vote Trump.”...
Cool I will reduce my tip accordingly. As a good old fashioned W-2 employee with all of my income taxed and who pays a shite ton of taxes, I’m over subsidizing others. ...
[quote]Because those people are misinformed and ignorant idiots. [/quote] Don’t overlook the indoctrination that’s been happening on college campuses. It’s paying dividends. A lot of college educated dumb fricks out there. ...
Don’t think it is changing many R or D votes one way or the other. Maybe a little on turnout possibly. Most important part of all that is this: [quote]With independents, 41 percent said it made an impact. Around 38 percent said they are less likely to vote for the former president while 21 ...
[quote]It's feticide, not homicide.[/quote] You just love to hear yourself talk don’t you? The criminal killing of an unborn child in Illinois is absolutely a homicide by statute. You don’t have to “actually guys…” every thread on this forum you know? ...
[quote]This is the first time you’ve heard of her.[/quote] True. I’d climb that ladder though. ...
[quote]Well in 92 AB, he’s hitting 0.76. He has an OPS of .243.[/quote] This is impossible by the way. ...
[quote]Can the AG fire the SP? Can he overrule a decision by the SP? [/quote] AG can remove a special counsel that he appoints as an inferior officer. But that is the question that is percolating - is a special counsel with powers equal to a US Attorney (which is undoubtedly a principal officer...
[quote]Why would they upset/overrule 50 year-old precedent?[/quote] Their prerogative if they believe it's wrongly decided. If you are going to give a special counsel more power than a US Attorney to prosecute US citizens and you require nomination and confirmation for a US Attorney, then might ...
Mueller has, at least, been appointed and confirmed by the Senate at some point. And of course Weiss has too. Jack Smith never has. As for why lack of nomination and confirmation even matters if the special counsel position is deemed an inferior officer - that is where I think there is a good...
[quote]Goes back to USSC precedent with the Nixon investigation declaring it an inferior office. Hunter Biden tried (and failed, obviously) with the same argument in Delaware Manafort tried it, too, among others. Calebresi and Lawson created this and keep pushing it (and losing).[/quote] ...
[quote]This girl will make some lucky guy a good wife.[/quote] I don't know. Sounds like you couldn't get away with shite with her. ...
I mean I did have to pause for a second before realizing it's the BEE. I can imagine her actually saying 90% of this. ...
[quote]Harris broke the analogy scale by reverting to abortion, “Well we, in our history, we know, I mean look at the Dred Scott decision. This is not the first time that we know the Court can make decisions that violate the civil rights of the people.”[/quote] Interesting that Harris brought up ...
[quote]No way I would want this information public. Some drug lord is going to take them out now [/quote] [img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/af2d341579ada02fe52de5f5af46ed59/tumblr_n9v7ck8JxF1rey868o1_500.gif[/img]...

re: Playoff Schedule dates

Posted by elposter on 6/5/24 at 3:19 pm
[quote]Is that real? When the heck do coaches recruit?[/quote] Auburn coaches should be free by December 1. ...

re: 24 Dutch F-16's headed to Ukraine

Posted by elposter on 6/5/24 at 2:24 pm
[quote]Here is the rest of the story of what a nuclear war would look like…[/quote] Global warming fixed....

re: 24 Dutch F-16's headed to Ukraine

Posted by elposter on 6/5/24 at 12:35 pm
[quote]NATO is literally poking the bear[/quote] Well that shouldn't cause WWIII then. At most PETA might lodge a complaint. ...
[quote]Cop literally asked him if there were any guns, drugs, or bombs he needed to know about in the vehicle.[/quote] Noticed that too. Seemed weird to ask “are there any bombs in this vehicle” on a traffic stop but obviously this wasn’t this cop’s first rodeo. ...