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Keeping her out the city is probably a very good use of tax dollars, she can’t screw it up more if she isn’t there....
[quote]Why do you hate protecting minority interests?[/quote] Your idea could work if you weighted the parishes for population. That is what the electoral college does at the federal level. For example, Wyoming doesn’t count the same as California. ...
[quote] There's no guarantee where that bullet goes after going through a computer.[/quote] If his head was close to the monitor it doesn’t matter, center head will be a head shot hit even if it deflects some. This is totally different if the target is 50 yards on the other side of the monitor, th...
Pellet grills are technology driven and it’s likely no matter which one you buy today in 10 years you will want something different anyway. If you looking for a buy once cry once type purchase go for a charcoal grill like a PK or Weber Summit, or a stick burner like a Workhorse or a Shirley....

re: Favorite vodka drinks

Posted by cssamerican on 6/9/24 at 8:40 pm
Not big on vodka based cocktails because I find most vodka cocktails are better when a different base spirit is used. For example a Margarita is better than a Kamikaze, and I prefer a Red Snapper to a Bloody Mary. So, if I was asked what cocktail I think works best with Vodka…a Lemon Drop :dunno:...

re: Sub $500 espresso machine....

Posted by cssamerican on 6/9/24 at 7:08 am
Have you ever looked at Flair machines? They are manual machines, but reviews consistently speak highly of the output, value, and I would assume the chances of them breaking is significantly lower. ...
[quote]I wish it was possible to explore the surface of Venus, even via unmanned probes. I wouldn't be shocked to see the ruins of an ancient civilization there. It would be interesting if they had some decipherable written language and documents to determine exactly what happened before they destro...
Lincoln Wilson FDR LBJ As bad as some recent Presidents have been, none put in the long term structural changes that centralized all the power in DC like this Mount Rushmore of big government did....
Unforgiven Once Upon a Time in the West Are to me the clear 1&2 westerns of all time. Just to be different and because no one else posted it, I really enjoy watching Young Guns....
You probably would be better off seeing if you could drive to the impact zone. Instant death would likely be way better than radiation poisoning death. Who would even want to survive an all out nuclear war anyway?...
[quote] That’s why it exploded so quickly. The fraudulent claims that fat is bad for you, and makes you fat, was a major part of the problem. Peoples habits didn’t change overnight, but the ingredients in what they were eating did.[/quote] I'm not saying you're 100% wrong, the food most people are ...
[quote]Breh no one’s above the law.[/quote] When you retroactively change the statute of limitations on a misdemeanor, invent a novel theory to elevate that misdemeanor to a felony by implying guilt for a federal crime that was never charged, and then multiply the counts for each ledger entry, it d...
[quote]I think one of the reasons we have turned the corner on cigarette consumption is taxes. It has worked. I smoked for 10 years out of college and quit 29 years ago. No way I could spend that kind of money again to help destroy my health. I think this has had a positive effect of health care cos...
[quote]I don't care what you shove down your pie hole. This is America![/quote] The problem is when other people cause my costs to go up, I kinda do care. The amount of obese people are causing health insurance premiums increases; however, making someone else pay more taxes is never the answer. Per...
What’s the deal with women sticking their tongue out in photos lately?...
[quote]Quit paying Superintendent 250k or more a year, plus all of the fluff at Central office would help. Schools have become a corporation where those at the top are making 5x what the people doing the work do.[/quote] How much should you pay a position that is responsible for overseeing 40k kids...
[quote]Interestingly, it’s been stated that EBR owes StG about $45M they collected from us while the Mayor and her stooge LaMont tried to block a legal election. Hmmmm[/quote] That is between the city of Baton Rouge and the city of St. George. The school system has nothing to do with that....
If Biden and his under age daughter where ever in a red state they need to bring charges ASAP....
[quote]You are saying that without the 4000 dollar bonus and with a cut in pay the average teacher is going to realize 6,700 dollars less than they did last year unless something changes. Right?[/quote] Incorrect, the proposed budget has them receiving a $1,300 permanent raise from the general fund...