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Number of Posts:1192
Registered on:6/13/2011
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[quote]Germany continues to try to be on the Reich side of history.[/quote] [quote]Who did Nazi this coming?[/quote] Well played gentlemen, well played!...
jjdoc: How did you get your infamous "tonight you have a choice" thread deleted? ...

re: CHAZ is back baby!

Posted by Red Stick Rambler on 5/17/24 at 9:47 am
[quote]Yeah, so the garden starts with coffee beans, a layer of sticks, and then hay!!! Yeah that will grow some food for you! “Hey we don’t have mulch, but sticks are basically the same thing!” These commie tards wouldn’t last five second in the real world.[/quote] Sounds like Hank Williams Jr....
Sorry, but I had to downvote this thread for putting that image in my mind........
I had breakfast this morning with a friend who is a “hobby beekeeper” and showed him this post - he just rolled his eyes and said burning hives with foul brood is common and the right thing to do, particular in a commercial bee operation. Not everything is a government conspiracy…...
[quote]I loved my FIL but he's gone now.[/quote] Geographic Atrophy?...
[quote] [quote] Anything else? [/quote]Nope [/quote] Okay, so they when you whine that Mike Johnson needs to "do something" about the Alvin Bragg prosecution you mean write a letter?...
[quote]At a minimum another strongly worded letter like always[/quote] Anything else? Here's your shot to step up and tell everyone what you think the Speaker of the House should do about a state prosecution. [quote]When it comes to anything wrong with the world what do you want Orange to do?...
Okay, but what is that you think Mike Johnson can/should do?...
[quote]And where is Speaker Johnson in all of this?[/quote] And what is it that you think Mike Johnson can/should do?...
[quote]Give me your best juxtaposition on both. [/quote] If Netanyahu were an American politician he would be a Republican. If Zelinski were an American politician he would be a Social Democrat (and a member of the Squad)...
[quote]What’s the quid pro quo part?[/quote] [embed]https://twitter.com/TheBabylonBee/status/1788660367343677635/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1788660367343677635%7Ctwgr%5Ee0874c4f0c49cb38dc501acb6ac9d5c9da308efb%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tigerdropping...
[img]https://pictures.abebooks.com/isbn/9780615257815-us.jpg[/img] WTF is that?...
And he was tapping a young Mary Landrieu back in the day.......
[quote]We’re getting dangerously close to becoming Gilead[/quote] Nice reference! [img]https://2.bp.blogspot.com/_33MAIPA4kEI/TCLuP1WO7VI/AAAAAAAAAIw/GowqE9kAH1Y/s200/Rolandrose.jpeg[/img] ...
[quote]0% of plumbers have a negative ROI on their OJT.[/quote] It reminds me of the old joke about a lawyer looking at a plumbers bill and commenting that the plumbers hourly rate was higher than his. The plumber respond that his hourly rate was lower back when he when was practicing law too....
I thought the Bee only did satire?...