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re: Hummingbird pictures

Posted by Tigris on 6/1/24 at 6:57 pm
[quote]Long-whiskered Owlet? [/quote] Yep. Maybe my favorite bird ever. It's a long hike down to the habitat. Then you wait. And wait. Finally one came in. We couldn't see it at first because it was really close and we were looking in the trees well behind it. It was a shock when we realized ...

re: Is there a cruise ship hierarchy?

Posted by Tigris on 6/1/24 at 11:59 am
[quote]I prefer Celebrity. [/quote] Same, I've done 3 with them. Food was very good and I liked the age of the passengers, mostly middle aged empty nest couples. Princess was very good too. Norwegian was a step down, but it was an old ship and we got a huge discount, so no complaints at all....
[quote]Our decision to meddle in that part of the world sure hasn’t aged well.[/quote] Great Russian talking point but it's just horseshite. Ukraine voted decisively for independence in 1991 because Russia has been abusing them for a very long time. Our "meddling" in the 1920's was to give food ...

re: Hummingbird pictures

Posted by Tigris on 6/1/24 at 10:24 am
[quote]I’m sure there would be tons of stuff to photograph. Be cool to get some photos of some Toucans.[/quote] There is all kinds of cool stuff. On the last trip to Ecuador, in addition to tons of hummingbird species, we had Toucans, Owls, Cock of the Rocks, Condors, Puffbirds, Antpittas, Trogo...

re: Hummingbird pictures

Posted by Tigris on 6/1/24 at 10:12 am
[quote]Have you seen a Marvelous Spatuletail in the wild?[/quote] I have, but only females and young males. That was a major disappointment, they almost always have full males. Northern Peru was a great tour though in spite of not seeing a good male Spatula tail. We had more bird species than a...
South of Tallahassee. I'd look east of Apalachicola, it's not very developed for a good ways. Carabelle area, St. Marks area... ...
[quote]There is no noise pollution, no light population, no booming stereo, no guns being fired or carjackings to name just a few. I still have a few years before I retire, but I think this might be the perfect time to purchase some land, so when I do retire, I know exactly where I will be going!...
[quote]pretty dumb and cheesy[/quote] I never did continue with the series, just not my thing. From a post I made 7 years ago: [quote]Reading it was interesting, the author has a ton of influences and it felt like he threw them all in a blender and made a book from it. Hunger Games, Lord of t...

re: Pictures from days gone by....

Posted by Tigris on 5/31/24 at 6:50 pm
[quote]Pete Townshend of The Who was (is?) one of his followers[/quote] Interesting - Tommy was a deaf, dumb, and blind child. And the Tommy album cover looks like that fence....

re: Hummingbird pictures

Posted by Tigris on 5/31/24 at 6:43 pm
[quote]Did you go with a group on one of the organized birding trips?[/quote] Both ways. The first three trips were to Costa Rica and I planned them myself. And I was really just learning. Then Panama at a birding lodge (Canopy Tower) and that just blew away Costa Rica. And then I kept moving...


Posted by Tigris on 5/31/24 at 6:21 pm
[quote]Thing has a creepy face in its scale color pattern[/quote] Pretty sure that's a sloth, non-venomous....
[quote]I assume the "No Pics No Comment" is just an OT Baw 350ism and everyone repeats it thinking they are funny and unique.[/quote] Germans. (Which stopped being funny before this board was created, BTW)....

re: Hummingbird pictures

Posted by Tigris on 5/29/24 at 5:28 pm
Have you ever considered going down to Ecuador for hummingbird photos? The hummingbirds there are really mind boggling. I've been several times and really love the country. Most of South and Central America too, but Ecuador is just special for birds....
[quote]Ukraine is the only country that regressed post Soviet Union they are never paying that back[/quote] Ukraine has been a puppet (through bribery and blackmail) of Russia for most of the time since the fall of the Soviet Union. Corrupt - no surprise, it's a feature of the Russian system. T...
[quote]The high casualties are a feature, not a bug. He's saying "I'm willing to kill hundreds of thousands of my own citizens and destroy my economy to get what I want. Are you?"[/quote] Especially when it allows him to empty the jails and throw Muslims into the meat grinder. "Quantity has ...

re: Hummingbird pictures

Posted by Tigris on 5/28/24 at 4:22 pm
[quote]Canon R5 with a Canon 600mm f/4 IS II[/quote] That's a great rig. I shoot with the R6 and the 100-500mm zoom. Will upgrade to the R5 when they come out with the mark ii (soon). That 600mm prime is quite a lens. I had this Black-chinned Hummingbird at my house for a couple of weeks in...
[quote]1,300 arrests (mostly alcohol-related offenses) are only documented back to 1992[/quote] That makes it almost exactly once per week from 1992 through 2017. Probably not cardiac arrest, it likely would have mentioned that....
[quote]It actually has significance to everyday life. Titanium, from Ukraine[/quote] The company I work for bought a lot of steel from Ukraine (Azovstal plant) and had to scramble to find replacement steel for projects. At a higher price of course. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been a maj...

re: What are you reading?

Posted by Tigris on 5/26/24 at 4:19 pm
[img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81Ch0jgpRGL._AC_UL210_SR210,210_.jpg[/img] I'm about half way through, highly recommended. Excellent forward for the most recent edition that gets into the history of the relation between Ukraine and Russia, written after the Russian invasion...