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[quote]Maybe no other president has been as crooked as Trump? Or more likely the other presidents just weren't dumb enough to get caught like Trump was in this case (should have paid cash)[/quote] The Biden family received millions trading on Joe's name/influence, and you think paying a whore $130K...

re: Trump at UFC 302

Posted by David_DJS on 6/2/24 at 12:17 am
[quote]It’s quite amazing how Lefties cannot see that the more shite they throw at Trump, the more popular he gets.[/quote] One of the very few things I've ever been wrong about in these threads. I thought the indictments were to help Trump in the primary (and they did) but that the Dems would pull ...
[quote]I will say I think you are being overly cautious on your end with no hugs for owies, but that’s just me. If you do it in front of others and aren’t a creep about it, I don’t see an issue. [/quote] It's just not me. I'm affectionate with my own kids and my mom and bros/sisters, but I do not h...
[quote]I would have zero issue. None at all. I’m a hugger though. I’m touchy feely. My daughter is as well. Maybe that colors my viewpoint. Who knows?[/quote] I'm not a hugger and know better than to be touchy/feely with little kids. I would have a problem with another adult that touched my 8 yo d...
[quote]I’m arguing he didn’t pinch her nipple. Watch the video, the little girl is laughing at the end of it. She clearly didn’t think anything happened[/quote] I see it differently. I see her react to his hand moving down her chest like she doesn't want it there. Why the frick was his hand there i...
[quote]That is the nipple pinching video? Are you serious? There is absolutely nothing there. Nothing at all. You are seeing what you want to see. I thought you might actually have something as you seem pretty reasonable most of the time. There are plenty of reasons to not like Biden. This video isn...
[quote]You can argue that Stormy shouldn't matter, or that he was just calling out a stolen election, but if he had never done/said those things, there would not be all of this noise around Trump, and the country would be focused on the failure that is Joe Biden. Yes, the media will always gang up o...
[quote] Biden is less objectionable based on every measure I can think of. [/quote] [link=(https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4910151/user-clip-bidens-europeans-hands)]A Measure[/link]...
[quote]MurphyGator[/quote] Where'd you go, bro? We were all hoping for your Siskel & Ebert on the video. Thumbs up or down?...
[quote]Like I said; a troll [/quote] Agree. But it's a slooooow Saturday afternoon....
[quote]What is thus nipple pinching video? Never heard of it. Where have you seen it? Will you post it? [/quote] [link=(https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4910151/user-clip-bidens-europeans-hands)]LINK[/link]...
[quote]This guy is trolling you.[/quote] Bro, he's just a resolute Christian that isn't bothered by abortion, a dad showering with his 12 yo daughter and said daughter writing about how it fricked her up, etc. ...
[quote]Also, Why couldn't the House find anything to impeach him on? I don't care one way or the other about Biden. But, I won't go around calling someone a molester without proof. Old and somewhat senile, yes. But, not a molester until there is evidence and a trial and conviction.[/quote] Don't...
[quote]Trump was found by a jury to have raped a woman. Nobody has even brought a charge against Biden [/quote] You need to understand that this isn't the persuasive argument you think it is. The justice system is warped in so many ways, and there's quite literally a very lucrative industry in c...
[quote]Just because... math. [/quote] Yes. Math. [quote]They looked at the first 7 jurors selected. Most didn't have a ton of information. If there were one who might seem to lean toward "pro-trump" it would be this guy: Fourth juror: A middle-aged man born in Puerto Rico who has been livin...
[quote]So, because I won't vote Trump that means I'm an awful person who supports everything you listed? I think not. [/quote] You're a little sensitive about this. I don't know you. I have no reason to think you're an awful person. But I believe you're f'd in the head if you think all of Trump'...
[quote]Your threats won't cause me to change my mind. Nothing will make me compromise my Christian values, morals or respect for the law. [/quote] My threats? Wtf are you talking about? I'm simply making the argument that it's instructive that your Christian values have you on a path to help a ...
[quote]The key difference here is you believe Biden is guilty of child molestation. [/quote] Well, his daughter thinks he is. And, I've seen video with my own eyes of him pinching the nipple of a 12 yo girl - and he did that in front of cameras. Add to that how fricked up his kids are and I'm willin...
[quote]15% of 12 people is 2 people... so you're pointing out a meaningless difference when I said there should have been a couple of Trump voters on the jury based on statistics.[/quote] But you can't count on that. There were 2 attorneys empaneled and I doubt Manhattan is 15% attorneys. It would...
[quote]I'm not going to vote for Trump. I won't compromise my Christian values and respect for the law.[/quote] That's your prerogative, but to be clear - you're a Christian values conservative (or at least right of center) that by sitting it out, will help a child molesting Leftist intent on burni...