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But they won't, we don't have those kind of people on the right who are evil and will break the law or bend it to shreds to convict another human being. The only saving grace we can hope for is SCOTUS....
Never understood why NYers or at least NYC folks hate Trump. Most places a successful guy from your hometown is liked/supported. I know alot of libs up there and the media and NYTimes etc done like him, but how did it turn for the average NYers....

re: Black voters react to Trump verdict

Posted by Amblin on 5/31/24 at 7:46 am
They said this in 2020 and did not help or materialize. Sure some are but the vast majority still will vote Dem no matter what....

re: Pee Wee Herman's house is for sale

Posted by Amblin on 5/29/24 at 8:52 pm
Reminds me of Helter Skelter movie :wah:...
[quote]You're the smartest guy I've ever met. And you're too stupid to see ... he made up his mind 10 minutes ago.[/quote]...
When he gets convicted, does he have to go thru all the appeals or can he somehow jump to SCOTUS, I think they would take it on fast track and reverse it. Don't think any judge in NY would change it....
[quote]News cycles are everything.[/quote] If it helps Trump, wont be shown, if hurts him it will....
[quote]needed 60 percent of the votes. Ms. Omar received 60.5 percent[/quote] Of course she did, just enough to win, so lucky......
[quote]Justice isn’t just anymore. All political. Republicans better wake up and fight back[/quote] How many times has the Lib SCOTUS judges not voted the same and never vote for anything seeming Conservative, even if the rule of law allows it. ...
They cheated last time and were not caught. They will try the same plan of running duplicate unmarked ballots to whatever number they need to win. If those swing states stop the count at the same time like last time and then produce just enough ballots to take the lead, you will know......
I don't see how anything has to be let in after the polls close. You know day the election is, and you should be required to get the ballot in by that day to be counted Before the walk in. If you do not have it in 5 days before election day, then you are SOOL. All this submit by this time and we ...
Don't they have to redo some of those properties that went to the City after the stay was put in place?...
Won't happen, will be some false flag, something to keep him away. Or he will just say no and cheat....

re: Nice form tackle

Posted by Amblin on 4/26/24 at 11:28 am
Has the "Spot the Feds in the crowd" game started yet?...
[quote]He’s a lunatic[/quote] Like McAfee crazy?...
[quote]Go ahead and hate your neighbor Go ahead and cheat a friend Do it in the name of heaven You can justify it in the end These lyrics from One Tin Soldier perfectly describe the modern left.[/quote] That whole song describes the left....
Do we know which Judge had the case and refused to take it on? Isn't that how it work, one judge makes the decision to accept it or not?...