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No, I don't see it ever recovering under Disney. Ever once and awhile though, you will see some good come out of Disney Star Wars or some good moments/scenes in otherwise bad material. The only way to save it would be to give one man (such as Filoni) total creative control over the franchise ...

re: Fighting Games in recent years

Posted by BulldogXero on 5/30/24 at 11:47 am
[quote]I don't have an issue with the DLC model in modern FGs personally.[/quote] That is the problem with gamers these days :lol:...

re: Fighting Games in recent years

Posted by BulldogXero on 5/30/24 at 10:28 am
[quote]For anyone who hasn't noticed, FGs have basically entered a golden age/renaissance era for the genre. Online is actually consistently good now. They're easier to get into than before by a long shot. Skill ceilings are still tremendous. Resources for the genre have increased significantl...
[quote]Although I have major misgivings about Sony having the arrogance and gall to say hey but this “updated more capable ps5 machine” when they’ve fricked up this generation terribly only saved by xbox being so so terrible they have to be doing it intentionally. Sony isn’t making anywhere near eno...
I'm not sure that the math makes sense for Xbox to be a console manufacturer. At best, they could just make some glorified Steam-machine type device. At least with Sony, Playstation might be the only area of that company that's actually making money. It makes a little more sense for them to con...

re: Why is the customer always right?

Posted by BulldogXero on 5/28/24 at 12:29 pm
[quote]Rant over….[/quote] People misunderstand what this phrase means. It doesn't mean literally everything that the customer says is absolutely correct. It simply means we should try to view every scenario from the customer's point of view....
[quote]these games always looked so freaking boring to me.[/quote] It's mostly in the writing and the charming visual design. They are very simplistic RPGs. I am not the biggest fan of the battle system and the need to constantly time button presses. The series kind of goes off the rai...
I don't understand how a quasi-hero shooter based on dead Ubisoft franchises and Far Cry is going to be successful long term....

re: GTA vice city is retro

Posted by BulldogXero on 5/19/24 at 6:11 pm
[quote]I’m sure there’s some political culture war rebuttal, but from a general culture perspective: clothing, food, music, interior design, etc, [b]are all much more similar in 2024 to 2005 [/b]than 2005 was to 1986.[/quote] I agree with this, and for most of human history, it has been this way....
[quote]Unfortunately, MS has rode the seesaw down to the earth's core as of late. Not sure there's any coming back[/quote] I feel like Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo are equally shitty this generation in different ways....
[quote]All I want is Square to continue [b]making good FF games[/b]. Don’t care if it’s on every platform. Whatever keeps the business running and FF games hitting the market.[/quote] Unfortunately that ship sailed a long time ago. A Realm Reborn is a real diamond in the rough, but outside of th...
[quote]That's just not true.[/quote] Not empty, but not as fun as Origins or Odyssey. I didn't like how every chest was behind a locked door or you had to traverse some elaborate maze. I didn't like how side quests were replaced with those organic event things....
[quote]I think some of yall are forgetting Mirage was the last one and are talking about Valhalla[/quote] That's me; however, Mirage wasn't really a mainline game. It's like comparing Far Cry Blood Dragon to Far Cry 4. I liked Mirage quite a bit once I got used to the combat. Too much of "fi...
[quote]How was the last one received?[/quote] The general consensus is that it was decent but overall a step down from Origins and Odyssey. The side content was not as good, and the main story was a slog to get through. ...
[quote]Exploration and trying new IP ideas is a good thing but it should always come as an addition to what you know are guaranteed blockbuster hits. I feel like the gaming industry for far too long (outside of Nintendo) has been 80% “new ideas” and trying new things and 20% successful and proven IP...
[quote]I don’t view these as a negative. So many of these studios over hire, lose money like crazy, keep pushing release dates back and then eventually rush out an unfinished product they had been half arse working on all along.[/quote] Effective project management is needed in the games industry...
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is not really a "cell phone" game, but I am shocked at how well it plays on mobile. ...

re: Fallout London- anyone playing?

Posted by BulldogXero on 4/29/24 at 1:20 pm
[quote]Playing through the game again for the first time since 2016. I love the series and 4 is alright but I can see why I put this down a few times and didn’t pick it up for weeks at a time before I finished all the quests I wanted to and the main game. The characters and dialogue options are just...