Favorite team:Atlanta Braves 
Biography:Go Dawgs
Interests:UGA/SEC Football
Number of Posts:45177
Registered on:11/21/2011
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]So it’s not just the Braves[/quote] No, but they're by far the worst offenders. This might be the most underachieving lineup I have ever seen....
I mean, Morton is toast if he gives up more than 2 runs...
2nd and 3rd, no out. Predictably, these bums can't get either of them home....
[quote]Feeling is getting more and more mutual.[/quote] Agreed. The left isn't going to suddenly decide to come back to the middle. History says this will only end when one faction is wiped off the map. We need to make sure that they're the ones who get wiped off the map and not us....
A's have more than Braves. That says all we need to know....
Jacksonville to Boston. More of I-95 than I'll ever care to see again. That sucked....
[quote]Doctors who provide these “services” should be beheaded.[/quote] FIFY...
Every last one of them, politicians and voters, feels the same way. Every single one. Treat them accordingly....
The Cowboys won their first Super Bowl that season and America went to shite afterwards. Makes sense....

re: WTF is wrong with this world?

Posted by VADawg on 6/7/24 at 8:52 am
[quote]Seems like increasingly weird shite is not just accepted but actually pushed as normal. It really lept forward a good bit during the COVID project. I get that weird people are going to push weird shite but [b]how did an arse ton of people all of a sudden start cheering it all on?[/b][/quote] ...
[quote]Kelenic is .708[/quote] A silver lining here I guess is that this number has gone up pretty quickly. He seems like he is getting a little more comfortable with his new stance....
We had 3 over .900 last season. It's like the Monstars came and stole their power....
Ozuna has been more valuable to his team than any other player in the league by a mile. If that's what the V in MVP actually means, he should be the unanimous MVP to this point. I was messing around on Statmuse and was able to dig up this gem: [quote]Marcell Ozuna has a .301 batting average wi...
Holy shite. What an inning! That was an absolute nuke from Ozuna....
Game. That should be enough for the Nats tonight. Austin Riley becoming Ender Inciarte at the plate has absolutely killed this team. Also doesn't help that someone who should be one of the 3 best hitters on this team is currently the best hitter on the Brewers. ETA: That one will definitely do...
1 hit in the last 14 innings :lol: This offense is absolutely pathetic. I wish the beat writers and bloggers would take the kid gloves off and stop giving these guys every possible excuse in the book....
Day 25 of "the offense is thiiiiiis close to breaking out"...