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Was lethal force authorized on that rai Yes or no? His presence on that day is irrelevant....
Just need some local court to try him where that pardon does not apply ...
[quote]Maybe accidentally spill a 5 gallon bucket of gray paint on it[/quote] Maybe with a drone...
[quote]Do you have any feelings for Chauvin getting attacked to near death in prison[/quote] Of course I am opposed to prisoners being attacked in prison. That is the issue I have, people being harmed and mistreated. Any person by any other person. Now, do I have a bigger issue with him being...
I think both were horrible people Chauvin abused a suspect in custody. I think cops should be held accountable for abuse...
[quote]You comparing George Floyd to a rigged election is also laughable[/quote] Except I wasn't. I find Floyd deplorable and think the planet is better off without him. I am MAGA and will vote Trump for the 3rd time in Nov. I also deplore abusive and power tripping cops. I love seeing ...
[quote]an innocent man is in jail and rotting away because of “politics[/quote] Yeah, had nothing to do with kneeling on the neck of a handcuffed suspect? Maybe other cops will learn to stop exacting revenge and harming people that are in custody ...
[quote]believe in convicting a person of a murder they didn't commit, as long as you don't like them?[/quote] Actually I don't, but if it happens to someone doing something that could have killed the other person, and that person showed blatant disregard for the victims life, then I am not going ...
[quote]Your anger should be directed at who wrote their policy[/quote] Reminds of some other historical event where those guilty of crimes claimed they were just following orders......
[quote]Might you suggest to the group an alternative way to restrain a defiant, high on drugs citizen that's refusing to comply and resisting arrest? I'll wait for your better and more knowledgeable response[/quote] You see those silver things they had on his wrists that were secured behind hi...
Ole boy was camped out on the criminals neck while he was handcuffed. Regardless of cause of death, it took a bad cop off the streets You can think that Chauvin and Floyd were horrible humans....
[quote]Christ founded His Church on Earth. That Church was and is the Catholic Churc[/quote] How do you support this position?...

re: The balk call was correct

Posted by novabill on 5/25/24 at 7:08 pm
Please explain what catcher did wrong...
[quote]You're saying the poor afflicted vaxxies are more deserving of our pity than our scorn and derision?[/quote] You know, I think that is what he is saying. I agree with him. I have friends and family in that camp and I would love nothing more than for them to avoid the dangers of the ...
I am not sure any of us are obligated to report a crime that we witness ...
[quote]he hotel sold a surveillance tape to a perpetrator for $50k. Someone at the hotel reviewed and saw the footage of a crime. Instead of telling Diddy frick off and bringing the tape to the police, Diddy was allowed to abuse for 8 years after this incident. What other and whose other cr...
Schools take their power seriously. It is really important to them....
[quote]If a sentence is complete, no probation, no parole and no unpaid fines, fees, restitution, then I am in agreement. That individual has done everything the law requires to pay for their crimes[/quote] I disagree with the money part of this....
[quote]Meanwhile, realtors are screaming marry the house and date the interest rates the market wont be the same when the rates drop [/quote] I expect rates to drop and house prices to jump when they do....