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Registered on:4/6/2012
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[quote]"if we can kill our pets why can't we do this to our loved ones if agreed upon beforehand". [/quote] I have a problem with any argument that equates a human life with that of an animal. They also put animals down when they can’t be adopted out or have no room… doesn’t mean I’m for or aga...
[quote]They promote rape[/quote] If you’re going to make blanket statements like this, please provide evidence to back it up. If what you say is true you should have zero problems citing multiple examples ...
[quote]Obviously not you, so don’t buy it. Why do you have to outlaw it?[/quote] Because maybe we don’t want it getting a foothold in the beef market that one day allows the federal govt to step in a ban the sale of beef, leaving this crap the only alternative ...
The same people that insist on everything being organic and non GMO are the same group of people these products are targeted to...
Every time I read about this story I’m reminded of the Jerry Clower story about his encounter with the feminist. The punchline always gets me. [embed]https://youtu.be/IR63U7_Y7Ik?si=L5NQu3aeZwLBUaus[/embed]...
[quote]I'm skeptical of Blexit and most notions that there will a paradigm shift in political allegiance with minority groups, [/quote] Why? It would make sense if everyone within the black community was basically sitting at the bottom of the socioeconomic rung of society, but they’re not. There ...
[quote]Why shouldn't workers be able to form unions, to negotiate wages, benefits, safety requirements, hours and overall working conditions? What is the state of Alabama thinking nowadays?[/quote] There are plenty of unions in this state. What the workers here don’t want is bullshite in Detr...
[quote]You may be the first person I’ve ever seen use the correct quote. “Let” is the key word always removed from that quote.[/quote] I believe the full quote is something like… I love beautiful (women)…when you’re rich and famous women will literally let you grab them by the pussy....
[quote]unduly influencing the outcome of an election. [/quote] Not disclosing the fact you got some pussy influenced the outcome of an election?? :lol: The man is literally on tape talking about women letting him grab them by the pussy and he still won. :lol:...
[quote]“Please remind the Vice President these people are from the NetherLANDS and not the Nether Regions!”[/quote] Great movie btw! :lol:...
I think with the shite he’s been put through the past few years, there is absolutely nothing Tapper or shite head could say to phase him. He’s going for Joes throat and I don’t expect it to be civil. ...
[quote] you guys referring to government set asides?[/quote] My dad was in the new home construction business. By the time Carter left office mortgage interests rates were averaging over 16 percent. You can imagine what it did to the housing industry… somehow Carter gets all this humanitarian pra...
[quote]My ole man blood would boil at the mention of Jimmy Carter. He’ d go Frank Costanza and just LOSE it. My brother and I would randomly bring his name up, just to watch him come unglued. He said Jimmy put him out of the construction business and was the final nail for the city when he closed ...
[quote]your dad sounds like an idiot. the guy literally sold his business when he became president as to not have conflicts of interes[/quote] Good for him. My dad was in the construction business and nearly lost everything thanks to that fricking dumbass. Selling your business and becoming a huma...
So surge the border to potentially be one of the 4000 a day? :lol:...
I hope he spends the entire debate talking shite. Just be relentless. I’m coming for you Joe. I’m coming for every crooked dirtbag member of your family. I’m coming for your home and that piece of shite corvette you store classified documents in… take a swing at me Joe. Show me how you handled corn p...
As my pops always said, that man should have his arse out their building houses because of all the people that got put out of theirs thanks to his shitty presidency. Becoming a humanitarian simply because you want people to forget what an absolute buffoon you were doesn’t sit well with the people who...
[quote]Forearm tat will get you every time[/quote] That’s a watermark in the video not a tat ...
There is nothing more depressing than driving through Indian country out west. It’s just hundreds of miles of abject poverty. There is virtually nothing in terms of industry and economy. Even my trip to the Grand Canyon was a huge letdown thanks in part to the bum arse Indian tribe that controls a ch...
By his logic, that also eliminates another segment of the population from filling those roles because well…. :lol:...