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re: Elon Musk to buy Info-Wars?

Posted by BFIV on 6/7/24 at 11:20 pm
[quote]You're allowed to say whatever you want in this country, but that doesn't mean there won't be consequences if you flat out lie, deceive, or a million other things that people should be held accountable for.[/quote] Unless you are a Democrat. Biden, Pelosi, Schiff, Clinton, Bragg, Willis, ...
[quote] According to some, there are small areas across their entire range outside of the park, state, etc. where they synchronize. [/quote] This is true. I've witnessed them myself in some of the state parks in far NE Tennessee and NW North Carolina. It's a very surreal experience to see this ...
NOVA is a curse upon the rest of our state....
[quote]Carville continued. “I don’t have anything against slanted coverage. I really don’t … I would have something against it at most other times in American history, but not right now. F*ck your objectivity.[/quote] "Whatever it takes. By any means necessary."...
[quote]It’s only a thing when it moves out of flyover country and starts affecting the coastal elite.[/quote] Well, I'm far from being the coastal elite. Having fire ants finally invade and establish their presence here in the Appalachian mountains is certainly new to us hillbillies....
I guess there's no way of stopping or eradicating them. Local newspaper link: [link=(https://www.timesnews.net/news/appalachian-highlands/on-the-march-state-lee-county-officials-working-to-slow-latest-move-of-fire-ants/article_170bd79a-48fb-11ee-b960-1fc006d7e063.html)]LINK[/link]...
[quote]has VOR weighed in to tell us this is a nothing-burger?[/quote] VOR is just a board troll. I really wish Chicken would install an "ignore" or "block" button for posters like VOR....
[quote]Why would a VA Gov be under any CA EV mandate to begin with?[/quote] The previous Democrat governor and Democrat controlled state legislature voted it in. Just one more reason Youngkin was elected governor the next election....
[quote] She sounded like an emotional idiot questioning Fauci and completely out of her league in taking him on[/quote] She showed him the lack of respect he has earned and deserves....
[quote] Now I don’t agree with DEI and this being a part of the military but the premise of recruiting shortfall is completely wrong.[/quote] Allow me to rephrase my original assertion, then. I believe one big reason recruitment numbers are down is because potential recruits do not want to serve...
I wonder what recruiting numbers looked like during Trump's term? I do believe that recruiting is down now because patriotic young people do not want to serve under Pedo Joe and his administration of weirdos, transgenders, and gays. Just my opinion....
My opinion: Dems are not going to lose. They have had 4 years to tweak their cheating formulas. Whatever it takes. By any means necessary. Trump's conviction should be the final wake up call to remind everyone of this....
[quote]I always thought about north GA or the western Carolinas or SW VA. [/quote] Been here in SW Virginia for the last 40 years. Beautiful here, but ironically, we're considering, seriously, moving farther south for warmer winters. My old bones just don't like this cold weather anymore....

re: Yellowjackets are underrated

Posted by BFIV on 5/30/24 at 8:36 pm
[quote]Run over a nest of them while driving a tractor in the sweltering hot of summer. They will make you leave the tractor while it's still moving forward[/quote] Yep. Been there, done that....

Another question of many tonight.

Posted by BFIV on 5/30/24 at 6:52 pm
IF Trump's verdict is vacated on appeal, will there be any possible/likely punitive repercussions to Merchan and Bragg for egregious errors and prosecutorial/ judicial misconduct?...

Considering the appeal process.

Posted by BFIV on 5/30/24 at 6:12 pm
What is the "step ladder" of the courts involved in hearing the appeals process in New York? After all state appeals are exhausted, does the federal appeals process begin? I could see this taking years to be settled....

re: If Trump is not found guilty he is

Posted by BFIV on 5/29/24 at 7:12 pm
[quote] Bulletproof at this point and he will go off.[/quote] JFK and RFK beg to differ....
JEEP= Just Empty Every Pocket. Yeah, I had one...once....
Wonderful news! Send 10,000 more illegals to New York!...

re: I expect a guilty verdict.

Posted by BFIV on 5/29/24 at 12:46 pm
[quote] I think Trump wants a guilty verdict.[/quote] Well, we all know that YOU do....