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Registered on:5/7/2012
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[quote]PSA for anyone looking to murder a giant bondage bear.[/quote] I'd make sure you're not in view of any cameras when you do it or else you'll end up charged with a hate crime....
Thoughts: 1. Bitch should have been tackled way before she was. 2. It took two burly security guys a long arse time to subdue her. 3. It should be a federal offense to disrupt airport travel. ...

re: How will you celebrate pride month?

Posted by LSUBFA83 on 5/31/24 at 10:15 am
Look at how people dressed during the civil rights movement. We've come so far... [img]https://i.postimg.cc/ZYWF7FtB/FT-15-03-05-selma-Montgomery-MLK.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/y62hwgsf/DRHIM52-MU2-OSXDK3-ZRFVJ44-IXE.jpg[/img]...
Along with meth you've got an ever-increasing supply of fentanyl coming over the border. That's probably universally available so no need to head out to the boondocks to make yourself a meth lab....
[quote]Trump is a conman who’s used his charisma and bullshite salesmen tactics[/quote] I agree with this assessment but he's still better than anything the Democrats have to offer....
The only way this verdict is ok is if EVERY candidate who has ever tried to make bad things in their past go away is convicted as well....
Life lesson: if you give certain people a way to get something for free, they WILL take advantage and ruin it for everyone else....

re: Crested Gecko

Posted by LSUBFA83 on 5/28/24 at 2:22 pm
If you're in South Louisiana you've got green anoles for free. My kids used to play with those every day in the summer. My daughter figured out they were territorial by writing a number on their back with Sharpie, then letting them go on the other side of the house. They always returned to their ori...
Can't shoot em. Can't stop em. Clown world....
Can attest. 1977 was one of the best years in existence....
I think we should build like the old plantation homes. Off the ground with first floor being brick and more or less empty....
Didn't know they sold arse cream on the street....
Why the need to tell the whole world about something like that? If you find something in the Little Free Library that seems inappropriate, just remove it and replace it. Personally, I'd be less alarmed about Playboy than "Little Johnny Wants To Be a Girl."...
You can get ebooks free from the library with a library card and an app. It's the only way I read books now....
Goodwood has been completely rebuilt. I think it is considered the main branch of the parish....

re: Sgt. Lonny Wells

Posted by LSUBFA83 on 5/24/24 at 11:18 am
I wish more people observed Memorial Day for it's true meaning....
Close friends and family - $100 Acquaintances - $25-50 Distant cousin whose kid I never heard of - $0...
I watched that show as a kid and enjoyed it. Now I enjoy eating delicious lamb....
Women who need constant validation from ANYONE are to be avoided....

re: Big back

Posted by LSUBFA83 on 5/23/24 at 9:37 am
Someone's gonna lose an eye when that strap breaks....