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I re-read who is on that list was surprised to see Leon Panetta....I thought he had more integrity than that...
[quote]t doesn’t at all. In fact, in the past, likely to you, I have said I hope that is what happened. Why do you need your speculation to be stated as fact so badly? You are exactly what you accuse others of being.[/quote] MELT [ON] OFF...
He will likely be a regular contributor type talking about the issues. He’s not a game show host like Hannity. Actually I would bet Trump is OK with this and they are coordinating messaging....
[quote]Thank God, his network got him 3% of primary vote. Ron has no political future, he had Mitch's support![/quote] So does Trump Mitch gave in and endorsed Trump for 2024...
[quote]I posted a year ago that he committed political suicide with his GOPe funded campaign and will be a host on fox.[/quote] Ron is actively fundraising and tapping his network for Trump ...
This guy was also in from the beginning on Trump is a Russian asset nonsense ...
A fat Fox contract won’t keep Ron out of politics. He isn’t a professional talking head like Hannity. He will be back in it in 2028....
He has two more years to serve as Governor…….just getting his brand out there ...
Looks like the same back tat Where was this video sourced from?...
[quote]Even if Biden was impeached, there are not enough votes in the Senate to convict and remove him from office.[/quote] Comer dragged this shite out way too long....there was enough evidence of impeachable offenses i.e. taking bribes in exchange for influence. Should have impeached him just to...
[quote]The girl who was carried away on a motorcycle was one of the four rescued. [/quote] Yeah this has a happy ending. Her Mom is dying of brain cancer. ...
Any things Shawn Ryan does is........ :thup: ...

re: WTF is wrong with this world?

Posted by 14&Counting on 6/6/24 at 10:00 pm
WTF is wrong with you? [img]https://media.istockphoto.com/id/157434843/photo/punk-goth-emo-girl-rebellious-teenage-fashion-child-bad-attitude.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=oDmyp1Mx2snX_L8a7IbvOEYqsjyl-RgPK7Jz11gEZ_A=[/img]...
[quote]Goddamn boy, that's the best you Gumps can do?[/quote] They like them thick Got a problem with that?...

re: D-Day related Items I own.

Posted by 14&Counting on 6/6/24 at 8:11 pm
[quote]4,1,3,2[/quote] :pimp:...
MAGA Barbie is losing because she is a clown ...
[quote]Why is it he has to report in July?[/quote] It’s a four month sentence so keeps him muzzled through the campaign ...
lol what? For the rest of his life Trump can’t speak of it?...
Yesterday to my landscaping guy...