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Registered on:10/20/2012
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He could get house arrest and be forced to wear and ankle bracelet....
I totally forgot that there was a time when NBA players wore glasses without corrective lenses just to look smart, like anybody was fooled. In the history of stupid fads, that's gotta be up there....
Maybe it will work and wrestling definitely translates but it seems like there's a big learning curve as an interior lineman. Stephen Neal was an NCAA and World champion wrestler that became a solid NFL player without playing college football but he played high school football. Sean McDermott is...
He was a great heavyweight college wrestler at Minnesota, winning two NCAA titles, then the Olympic gold medal during the covid games, Then he went to WWE then back to wrestling and now he's signed with the Bills as a D lineman even though he's never played football. I'd be surprised if he can c...
It couldn't be bigger because there's not much parking in the area....
[quote]His stubbornness was always going to be his undoing.[/quote] The guy's life is messy, he surrounds himself with sleazebags and courts chaos. That's his undoing. He's one of the greatest promoters of all time but as a person he's a mess....
Stating that both sides agree to not pursue legal actions pretty much admits that the cop did not follow procedure....
[quote]Have fun getting arrested then [/quote] If I'm a Tour pro and I guy I think is a security guard hits me with his flashlight through my open window because he doesn't see the courtesy car logo when I'm just trying to navigate through traffic to the players' entrance I'm not stopping. It ...
If somebody I think is a security guard is hitting me with their flashlight in that situation I'm not stopping either. ...
If there's one thing I never associate with college sports it's advertisements....
Seems like Lebron may be using Bronny as leverage with Bronny turning down workouts except with the Lakers and Suns. Lebron would have to take a minimum contract with the Suns but he'd be playing for his buddy James Jones with KD. If the Lakers don't take Bronny at 17 the Suns have pick 22....
There has never been a level playing field when it comes to player compensation. It goes back almost to the beginnings of college sports. When the Carnegie Report on the matter was released in 1929 it seemed like the dam would burst but the charade was kept up for another 90 years. [img]https...
[quote]much.most of what science took as fact has changed over the years I casually asked what science opinion of eggs is today? since its changed numerous times in my lifetime the science of covid alone should be enough to prove what's true of science changes what is true of faith is unchang...
I love these kinds of movies but other than the Usual Suspects I've never seen a great one where the resolution lives up to the build-up. The other one I think is amazing is the 1997 version of Funny Games because it really fricks with the formula but that's not one I want to watch multiple times...
Some of you guys have probably seen it but this F2 near miss.... [embed]https://x.com/ahmed_baokbah/status/1793997569766609305?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1793997569766609305%7Ctwgr%5E49b2b2c1a079ab539867abda47e8a17c65b65830%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sbna...
With the way things played out it could have been a really interesting race if it had been at another track....
Been awhile since we saw an F1 car that mangled....
I think Brundle actually enjoys being humiliated....
With the way the barriers were getting tagged over and over today you gotta think the chances are good that somebody's qualifying will get ruined tomorrow....