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Location:Baton Rouge, LA
Number of Posts:7570
Registered on:11/25/2012
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It's pure lunacy to believe he is fit for another 4 year term. FFS he can barely walk on his own as of today. Whatever cocktail they have him on to make him appear lucid at times must be taking its toll....

re: GMC Acadia? Looking for opinions

Posted by AndyCBR on 6/6/24 at 10:05 am
They are not good cars which is why they are so cheap. My suggestion would be to look for a used Toyota or Honda minivan....

re: Heat pump in Louisiana or not?

Posted by AndyCBR on 6/5/24 at 10:53 am
In LA, you can probably do either and not tell much of a difference in your annual fuel cost. Our winters are just not long enough or typically cold enough. There is no doubt the heat pump is more efficient but there is way less to break on the electric heater. ...
This same idiot will jump on a jet and fly across the globe for a climate summit....
Bookmarked for later discussion you leftist twink. Gee, I can’t remember the last time Trump was declared “unelectable”. ...
I would wash properly and then use an iron remover. After that some type of clay bar/mitt to remove the remaining surface contaminants. After the surface is clean, polish and protect. Hope this helps!...

re: DIY Mini Split Install. Recs?

Posted by AndyCBR on 5/29/24 at 10:01 am
I have a Daikin 18k btu I diy installed and have been happy with it. It was my 3rd mini split diy. Check out the several threads on garage journal for installation tips. If you are not willing to get the proper tools to flare the line set, leak test with N2, and pull a vacuum and micron test,...
[quote]You can cancel a registration / license plate on the DMV’s website without having to turn in the actual plate. Takes 30 seconds.[/quote] This is true if you transfer/ sell a vehicle. But I am almost certain if you retain the vehicle and want to drop insurance/reg you have to fill out a ...
Thank our previous retarded governor John Bel Edwards who quadrupled DMV penalties under his tenure. ...

re: 2024 GE: POLLING AVERAGES (5/24)

Posted by AndyCBR on 5/25/24 at 7:53 pm
[quote] It's not. Those polls are a like strippers. They're designed to tease, entice and leave you wanting. They take your likes, your upvotes, your clicks and what do you get? Electronic blue balls. Don't believe any of that shite. The MSM and the Democrat power structure both got exactly what i...

re: 2024 GE: POLLING AVERAGES (5/24)

Posted by AndyCBR on 5/25/24 at 3:11 pm
When I see polls like this I ask myself how could it be this close?...

re: Bravo John Fetterman

Posted by AndyCBR on 5/25/24 at 11:37 am
Can someone get this guy clothes that are not hoodies, shorts, and slides. FFS....
Lump Sum EPC has taken down many companies. I don't feel sorry for XOM and QatarEnergy having to clean up the mess. ...

re: Which controller did you start with?

Posted by AndyCBR on 5/18/24 at 3:42 pm
1 was the first I played. But we had Intellivision also. I still remember sore Intellivision thumb....
[quote]U.S. Rep. Garret Graves[/quote] How about this weasel tries to get a job outside of government? Or, go back to college and finish his degree. What a loser....
That guy seems to have some pretty thorough knowledge on our aircraft movements. With that said he has been preaching all kinds of crap that never comes true. Is he right this one time out of 1,000? Who knows. It is clear this retarded administration can't seem to let go of Ukraine and rea...
They are not sending their best....
That dude belongs in jail. Not only did he know about the research that resulted in Covid reaching the public, he also helped fund it with US taxpayer dollars....