Favorite team:Texas A&M 
Location:The Woodlands, TX
Number of Posts:595
Registered on:6/27/2013
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Multiple. In fact, just had one about a month ago that caused me to vomit. I’m still suffering from vertigo because of it. ...
This thread is strange to me. I’ve seen this movie at least five or six times and I never considered that it could be anyone else than the dead former sheriff. ...

re: When Evil Lurks (2023)

Posted by StreamsOfWhiskey on 5/31/24 at 9:30 pm
We liked it, but I can admit that the second half was not as strong as the first half. Still well worth the time to view it. ...
Ha! I live in Houston (The Woodlands) and I’ve lived in Bakersfield as well. What I’ll say about Bakersfield is that you’re only about an hour or two from some really cool things. ...
I grew up in El Paso, TX. I absolutely do not like Latina women at all. Do not find them attractive in the slightest. It’s always weird to me to see you guys falling all over yourselves for Latina women. To each their own, I guess. ...
I have no advice to give. I have three daughters: 20, 16 and 13. I get along well with all three. None of them ever had the typical rebellious teens phase. All study hard - oldest is on scholarship up at BYU. All are straight A students. I feel very blessed to say the least and keep expecting some d...
All hell broke loose for about 30 minutes. We had water pouring in from our AC unit. Hail, wind, rain…crazy. We’re up in The Woodlands area. ...
Methinks you work for a major and can move to Fidelity without any fees if done here shortly. Am I warm??...
Undergrad from TAMU and MBA from Rice. Both have served me well. If I had to choose an SEC school for another graduate degree, all rivalries aside, I’d choose TX for reputation alone. Couldn’t care less about athletics when it comes to making a living. Only one thing matters: me. ...
Type 1 Diabetic here. One thing I think most Diabetics do is take in way too much sugar to address hypoglycemia. Facts are quick sugar still needs some time to work it’s magic, meaning if I take a gulp of Gatorade that takes five minutes to make me feel better then I should just patiently wait the f...
I have 12 shares bought in sub $500 and added some more after the last earnings in Feb at around $730. ...
Alec Baldwin scene in Glengarry Glen Ross...

re: Pan Am Flight 759 Crash

Posted by StreamsOfWhiskey on 5/18/24 at 9:04 pm
My duck hunting buddy I believe lost both of his parents on that flight. ...
I thought I saw he was a stepfather. Did I misremember?...

re: OT rating: Lina Hidalgo

Posted by StreamsOfWhiskey on 5/3/24 at 7:01 am
You obviously are not accustomed to living among Hispanics. This is not how it will play out with this woman. I find every part of her physically disgusting, but her politics makes her even more revolting. ...
I’ve been to Peru. Hiked all the way from Cusco to Aguas Calientes on the Salcantay Trail to Macchu Picchu. As far as destitution, never really saw too much, but know it exists there. It be hard to beat what I saw in the Philippines. ...
I don’t disagree with anything you wrote, but I believe most people cannot eat pure protein and fat to a level where they store it. It’s too filling. That said, if someone can do it, they’ll store it as fat. Take in more calories than what you burn, you get fat. ...

re: Life is Fragile

Posted by StreamsOfWhiskey on 4/29/24 at 6:21 pm
It’s less a focus on death as a focus on living right and always being prepared to meet your maker. Live right and death will be a welcome reunion. ...
For some perspective, an A1C of 6.5 is an average blood sugar of 160. It’s good you’re working it down because blood sugars that high will cause you problems down the road. ...