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re: Latest Updates: Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Posted on 5/17/23 at 10:52 am to
Posted by LeClerc
Member since Oct 2012
2750 posts
Posted on 5/17/23 at 10:52 am to
This is from GOP's link, thought it was funny.

Slava Ukraini!

Posted by CitizenK
Member since Aug 2019
9662 posts
Posted on 5/17/23 at 11:46 am to
A shitton less than Russia has. We have spent less than Russia is losing by selling oil below cost to produce
This post was edited on 5/17/23 at 11:48 am
Posted by Obtuse1
Westside Bodymore Yo
Member since Sep 2016
25887 posts
Posted on 5/17/23 at 12:25 pm to
Posted by Obtuse1
Westside Bodymore Yo
Member since Sep 2016
25887 posts
Posted on 5/17/23 at 12:45 pm to
Saw a Tankie Twitter account (which I won't amplify) with the destroyed Patriot.

Does anyone see the issue?

Posted by AZBayouBengal07
Member since Nov 2005
2799 posts
Posted on 5/17/23 at 12:54 pm to
The real question is was that twitter user wearing Pants ir no? So much Russian around to post nonsense on the internet.
Posted by Obtuse1
Westside Bodymore Yo
Member since Sep 2016
25887 posts
Posted on 5/17/23 at 1:02 pm to
The Russian hypersonic missile scientists jailed for treason. Moscow Times but it cheaks out they are indeed jailed.


At least three Russian scientists who have worked on hypersonic missile development have been arrested on suspicion of treason over the past year, their colleagues said in an open letter published Monday.

Members of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ (RAS) Siberian Branch warned that the criminal cases risk setting back Russia’s advances in hypersonic technology.

“We simply don’t understand how to continue our craft,” the scientists wrote.

The institute said its members Anatoly Maslov, Alexander Shiplyuk and Valery Zvegintsev are held in custody on treason charges for speaking at conferences abroad, publishing articles in popular magazines and participating in international projects.

Maslow and Shiplyuk were known to have been arrested in the summer of 2022.

Zvegintsev’s arrest has not been previously reported. He is identified as the founder of a laboratory that deals with hypersonic technology.

Siberian media has reported that a Novosibirsk court ruled to place Zvegintsev in pre-trial detention on April 7.

Treason cases are heard behind closed doors in Russia as they deal with what authorities deem to be classified information. Those found guilty face a maximum prison sentence of 20 years.

The RAS scientists argued in their open letter that the allegations against their colleagues were leveled despite scrupulous peer reviews and inspections for “restricted information.”

“But the investigative bodies rely on other opinions for expertise. Who are these experts? What is their professional level?” they asked.

“We see that any article or report could become grounds for the treason charges. What we’re rewarded for and made examples of today becomes the cause of criminal prosecution tomorrow,” they said.

These and other treason cases targeting Russian scientists have had a chilling effect on young researchers, the Siberian RAS members said.

“Dropping levels of research due to aging scientists and the disrupted continuity in the generations of experts will […] gradually become irreversible and rapid.”

“We think these issues require an urgent solution, otherwise it will be impossible to prevent a catastrophe hanging over domestic aerodynamics.”

On Wednesday, the Kremlin described the espionage allegations against the three scientists as “serious,” but declined to provide further details.

“We did see this appeal [in the open letter], but the Russian special services are working — they are carrying out their functions,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.


Posted by Obtuse1
Westside Bodymore Yo
Member since Sep 2016
25887 posts
Posted on 5/17/23 at 1:02 pm to
The open letter from other scientists re the arrest and how it impacts their ability to work


We, employees of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. S.A. Khristianovich of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ITAM SB RAS), we appeal to the authorities of the Russian Federation, collectives of scientific and industrial organizations, the professional scientific community, as well as to all caring citizens of our country with a request to protect Russian aerodynamic science, to save what has been created for decades selfless labor of Soviet and Russian scientists, engineers, workers, from the impending collapse!

Over the past year, three outstanding aerodynamic scientists of our institute - Anatoly Alexandrovich Maslov, Alexander Nikolaevich Shiplyuk and Valery Ivanovich Zvegintsev - were arrested on suspicion of committing a crime under the most severe article of the criminal code - "high treason" (Article 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). All of them are known for their brilliant scientific results. Their competencies and professional reputation allowed them to find a highly paid and prestigious job abroad, but they did not leave their homeland, devoting their lives to serving Russian science. Our colleagues have always remained true to the interests of the country, they went through the hardest times of the nineties with our institute, they helped preserve science in Novosibirsk, conducting research at the highest world level and actively working with young people. Each of them brought up a large number of students, actually creating its own scientific school at ITAM SB RAS. We know each of them as a patriot and a decent person who is not capable of doing what the investigating authorities suspect them of.

The materials of all three criminal cases are closed from the public, but we know from open sources that the acts for which our colleagues can spend the rest of their lives behind bars are something that is considered mandatory all over the world, including in Russia. component of conscientious and high-quality scientific activity - presentations at international seminars and conferences, publication of articles in high-ranking journals, participation in international scientific projects. We are well aware of the results that our colleagues have been openly presenting in recent years, and we are one hundred percent sure that all this is related exclusively to fundamental science. The materials of our colleagues have been repeatedly checked by the expert commission of our organization for the presence of restricted information in them, and such information was not found in them. The presentation of such results not only cannot harm the security of our Motherland, but, on the contrary, increases the prestige of Russian science in the world.

This is our opinion, the opinion of people who are experts in various scientific and technical fields. This is confirmed both by our personal scientific results and by the achievements of our institute as a whole. Some of us also have extensive experience in matters related to the protection of state secrets and technology export controls. However, the investigating authorities rely on a different opinion as an expert one. Who are these experts? What is their professional level? Are they competent to make decisions that, on the one hand, require the highest qualifications, and, on the other hand, the most responsible approach, because the price of even the smallest mistake in this matter is the life, freedom and dignity of a particular person? We do not have answers to these key questions because the names of those people

In this situation, we are not only afraid for the fate of our colleagues. We just do not understand how to continue to do our job. On the one hand, the main indicator of the quality of our work within the framework of the state task and projects of Russian state funds and departments is the degree to which our results are presented to the scientific community, including scientific publications and presentations at conferences. On the other hand, we see that any article or report can lead to accusations of high treason. What we are rewarded for today and set as an example to others, tomorrow becomes the reason for criminal prosecution. In this situation, it is simply impossible for our institute, the only academic organization in the country with an extensive base for experimental and numerical aerodynamic research, to work.

The most terrible thing in this situation is the influence of the created atmosphere on the scientific youth. Even now, the best students refuse to work for us, and our best young employees are leaving science. A number of research areas that are critical to creating the fundamental groundwork needed to create the aerospace technology of the future are simply closed because employees are afraid to engage in such research. This affects not only aerodynamics. The whole society was shocked and outraged by the death of Dmitry Vladimirovich Kolker, an arrested specialist in quantum optics from Novosibirsk, in the summer of 2022. Young specialists understand that this can affect any scientific discipline, which makes working in science unattractive for them. Scientific schools cannot exist without a constant influx of young people. The drop in the level of research associated with the aging of scientists, the destruction of the continuity of generations of specialists, will not manifest itself immediately, but will gradually become irreversible and impetuous. In fact, there are now visible signs of a repeat of the situation of the 1990s. Domestic science may not endure the second such blow.

Dear colleagues and friends, citizens of Russia, we ask you for help! Please help us sort out the situation with our arrested colleagues. We are confident in their innocence. Scientific organizations and their employees need a clear understanding, based on the law, where the line lies between working for the good of the Motherland and high treason. The actions of our colleagues and other suspected scientists require scientific and technical expertise of the highest level, which could be carried out by the Russian Academy of Sciences, an organization that brings together not only world-class Russian scientists, but also leading developers of civil and military aerospace technology. These issues, in our opinion, require an urgent solution, otherwise it will be impossible to prevent the catastrophe hanging over domestic aerodynamics and prevent damage,

Institue of Theorhetical and Applied Mechanics

Posted by LSUPilot07
Member since Feb 2022
5794 posts
Posted on 5/17/23 at 1:06 pm to
Is that the 8 wheeled Russian Grad rocket launcher burned out? Definitely not anything to do with a Patriot.
Posted by Coeur du Tigre
It was just outside of Barstow...
Member since Nov 2008
1506 posts
Posted on 5/17/23 at 1:15 pm to

Is that the 8 wheeled Russian Grad rocket launcher burned out? Definitely not anything to do with a Patriot.

Destroyed Russian anti-aircraft complex "Pantsir-S1". As stated at the beginning of May, 20km south of Donetsk, most likely destroyed by HIMARS.

Special Kherson Cat.
Posted by USEyourCURDS
Member since Apr 2016
12070 posts
Posted on 5/17/23 at 1:16 pm to
This may have been addressed earlier in the thread but did that poster that got out after the invasion ever get his wife and child out?
Posted by TacoNash
Member since Mar 2020
715 posts
Posted on 5/17/23 at 1:47 pm to
South Korea signed a preliminary agreement on $8 billion in funding for Ukraine on "extremely favourable terms."

Posted by facher08
Baton Rouge
Member since Aug 2011
4440 posts
Posted on 5/17/23 at 1:56 pm to

This may have been addressed earlier in the thread but did that poster that got out after the invasion ever get his wife and child out?

Last I remember they were living with a sponsor in Switzerland, but the father-in-law stayed behind in Lysychansk. He posts pretty frequently in the Rant. Strange that he hasn't popped in here at all.
Posted by DabosDynasty
Member since Apr 2017
5179 posts
Posted on 5/17/23 at 1:56 pm to

This may have been addressed earlier in the thread but did that poster that got out after the invasion ever get his wife and child out?

They finally ended up elsewhere in Europe. I want to say Germany and he was working to try to get them back to the US I believe, but it’s been a WHILE since I saw anything else on it. Back into 2022, just not sure exactly when in 2022.
Posted by IAmNERD
Member since May 2017
19331 posts
Posted on 5/17/23 at 2:02 pm to
I saw that earlier and was about to post about it, but two of them were jailed last year for supposedly divulging state secrets, but they claim that it was cleared by the Kremlin. One was jailed Monday and then that letter was sent out Monday. Tuesday, Ukraine claims to have shot down all SIX Kinzhal missiles that were incoming.

I think it's fair to say that Putin, the MoD, and the Kremlin have been either embarrassed or caught off guard as to the true capabilities of the Kinzhal.
Posted by GOP_Tiger
Baton Rouge
Member since Jan 2005
18011 posts
Posted on 5/17/23 at 3:27 pm to
Twitter thread from Dr. Mike Martin, at the Department of War Studies at King's College, London:



Ok and now some more islands taken and solidification of Ukrainian positions south of Kherson.

At the moment - this and Bahkmut seem to be the two probing axes.

Probably means there’ll be a third one opening up soon

It’s becoming clearer now what is happening.


The Ukrainians have realised that the Russians are fixated on Bahkmut. Fallacy of sunk costs and all that.

And so by using a relatively small amount of resources, they are fixing an EVEN greater number of Russian forces into the Bahkmut area.

This means that they have less Russian forces to deal with elsewhere.

Like Kherson, where they are steadily consolidating their position.

Or Tokmak, where they struck AGAIN yesterday.

So what we’re probably going to see if Ukraine making small investments in the front line, here and there, to get Russians to commit forces to defending particular areas.

This just creates more freedoms for Ukraine further down the line as the Russians run out of troops.

There is one school of thought that whoever commits their reserve last wins.

I’m not sure that is what is going on here, but I certainly think the Ukrainians are smoking out the Russian reserves and making sure they are all tied down.

This then give Ukraine the chance to survey the whole front line and choose where they will strike.

Posted by StormyMcMan
Member since Oct 2016
3739 posts
Posted on 5/17/23 at 3:41 pm to

Clowns from the Russian Ministry of Defense stated that "according to reliably confirmed data", 5 Patriot systems were "completely destroyed" by Kinzhal missiles during the strike on Kyiv on May 16.

Meanwhile, the AFP agency claims that only one "Patriot" was damaged, moreover, it is in working condition.

Shocking considering they only 6 missiles


Romanian lawmakers vote to approve $1.1 billion Abrams acquisition



During the last 30 minutes or so, missile attacks have occurred on Odesa oblast. Russian strategic aviation is airborne and communicating on combat frequencies. Missile strike is probable later tonight.

Reports that Shahed drones are also airborne

Posted 47 minutes ago

Posted by Chromdome35
NW Arkansas
Member since Nov 2010
6876 posts
Posted on 5/17/23 at 4:06 pm to
Thats a Russian Pantsir AA vehicle.

There have been numerous pictures of that vehicle posted this week.

Posted by GOP_Tiger
Baton Rouge
Member since Jan 2005
18011 posts
Posted on 5/17/23 at 7:21 pm to
Reuters reporter:


The damage to the Patriot system was so limited that it has now been fixed, official says.
Posted by tigeraddict
Baton Rouge
Member since Mar 2007
11834 posts
Posted on 5/17/23 at 7:31 pm to
Actually must have been able to “just buff it out”
Posted by CitizenK
Member since Aug 2019
9662 posts
Posted on 5/17/23 at 8:37 pm to
I wonder if the spare tire is also about to go flat!
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