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re: D-Day 80th Anniversary

Posted by Chromdome35 on 6/6/24 at 11:58 am
When I graduated college in 1986, my best friend and I went on a backpacking tour of Europe for a couple of months. We took a train to Bayeux, France, and walked the 10km from there to the Gold beaches where the British landed. We took the same route that the troops took as they advanced off the ...
[quote]So they were going to charge people simply to enter certain parts of the city? Period?[/quote]This is already happening in London....
[quote]Can somebody identify what the Ukraine goal [/quote] To preserve their country? What would any country's goal be in a similar situation? When Poland, France, and Belgium were invaded by Germany, what were their goals in fighting back?...
Your trolling is getting weaker and more obvious....
[quote]But attributing it to others who share a somewhat similar worldview is retarded at best and outright dishonest at worst.[/quote] Hopefully, you'll point this out when the other side does this, as has happened countless times in the 2.25 years this thread has been active....
[quote] 85 F16s with trained crews will end the war. There is now a time-limit for Russia to negotiate on favorable terms.[/quote] I disagree, they will help Ukraine, but it still takes combat power on the ground to win a war....
He can’t provide them otherwise he would have. He is just talking out of his arse...
You are the one making the claim, back your shite up. It isn’t our job to do your work for you. There have been several posts that appear to conflict with your statements. So until you provide something to back your statements up, we will all assume it’s BS like most of what you say....

re: See you guise in a few weeks

Posted by Chromdome35 on 5/25/24 at 8:38 am
So Your one month contract to be someone’s gimp in a box came through ?...
[quote]It’s a documented and evidentiary truth that Hamas began as a charity [/quote] Can you provide some links to support your statement?...
This video has multiple shots of the type drone's they are using. These are all purpose built for their role. Not the same stuff you are buying at bestbuy. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WipqeFgzdTc[/embed]...
[quote]-Ukraine and Russia have highly adapted to the use of drones, and the US is way behind.[/quote] I agree with you on this. US warfighting strategy hasn't adjusted to the use of attacks by small FPV drones like we see commonly used on the Ukraine battlefield. I talk to my SIL (US Army Ma...
[embed]https://twitter.com/Osinttechnical/status/1793300371135226345[/embed] So far, this appears to be the only video, so take it with a dose of skepticism until additional footage shows up. ...
In the twitter embed of the train, right at the beginning of the video, the two armored vehicles are BRDM-2's. That vehicle first entered service with the Russian Army in 1962. [quote]The BRDM-2 has a unique flaw. Because the only way in and out of the vehicle is via the front hatches, leaving t...
There is nowhere on the battlefield with a high enough troop density for 7K soldiers taken out by a tactical nuke. You might get a few hundred. Tac nukes don't have a very large impact radius. Strategic nukes do but that's even less likely to happen than a tactical nuke. And the chance of a ta...
Because Putin is playing the only real card he has left with the Western governments? The problem is he's already bluffed with it numerous times during this conflict. No one believes him anymore....
[quote]our conventional war fighting skills have atrophied over the last twenty plus years,[/quote] I agree. Our warfighting skills and training have been focused on fighting jihadis in the desert. That is why the Army has made a major direction change and is focusing on large-scale peer-to-peer ...