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Location:Down the Rabbit Hole
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Registered on:11/23/2013
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I think Gov. Landry was heavily supported by the plaintiff’s bar. ...
Your kind of like that Puerto Rican dude I saw sitting in a Popeye’s in the Quarter talking on Facebook live how great life is in NOLA?...
I agree yet add to it that Covid juiced the money and kept the interest rates lower, for longer. Once the economy caught its footing, rates rose (arguable higher than they should have been without Covid stimulus) to hold back the inevitable inflation. ...
Was it a deal like ‘tip us 10% and you get extra meat’ kinda thing?...
That is an option for BR. Offer better police, fire, and other incentives for people to move back & fix up houses. Then, a bigger tax base will come, etc. Put some taxes on the 70805 industry. Reinvest. I don’t see BR doing that, however. More whine, complain, & poor services for those who l...
When you make a list of bad states, Louisiana always seems eager to be last....
If you have a 1/4 mile driveway, shouldn’t you have some Mexicans too?...
I can rate women, not dudes. But I’m happy that you can see people differently....
That’s flat out nasty. Geez. For a looong list of reasons. Ok, enough internet for me for a while. ...
Yikes! I searches breastfeeding and wish I hadn’t. ...
How do you search for something like that anyway?...
All the billboard lawyers always represent ‘victims.’ The people of Louisiana are really the ‘victims’ of all their foolishness. Who is blaming who here?...
[quote]Barry McCockiner or Dixon Cider both read law books like other people read menus[/quote] Does it work the other way too? Do they read menus like other people read law books? Does it take them like hours to order?...
It seems to be older people. People with kids don’t have time, plus dudes don’t wan’t questions of paternity. Once the kids leave the house, the wife can’t have kids, well, move to Florida, play cards, ride a golf cart, and swing, lol. At least that’s what seems to be going on all over Florida....
If you live somewhere good, nobody talks about moving....
[quote]It was a free dog.[/quote] Is this lowkey racist against dogs, lol?...
Lot of old people are swingers. Look at Florida, the Villages. They don’t care if some other dude screws their wife if they get to screw his. The women are past menopause and no kids are coming from it, so why not? It’s not for me, but there could be a demographic twist to it also....