Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:5387
Registered on:7/3/2014
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[quote] it isn’t as special when you have been 37 times before[/quote] LSU fans show up in Omaha even if we aren't in the World Series. We've won more titles since mid 90s than Texas, but we still show up....
I was also happy to see Florida beat Oklahoma State. Hope the Cowgirls lose again and Kenny G gets to watch Kelly Maxwell and OU raise another trophy! My family would be very happy!...
I have one right now and have had several over the years. Wasabi is smart and hilarious, but also has "small man syndrome" when he's around larger dogs at the dog park. He went after the neck of a Rottweiler a few weeks ago that tried to mess with him. The Rottweiler owner now loves Wasabi for stand...
[quote]If you are a “TRUE FAN” you would be invested in anything LSU [/quote] does this include the supafan?...

re: Wofford Schedule/Results

Posted by 18handicap on 5/27/24 at 7:52 pm
Let's put her, Chris, and softball superfan together... that would be fun to watch......
[quote]Women have 15 full softball scholarships, [/quote] WRONG... Softball gets 12 scholarships to split up amongst all of its players [link=(https://www.collegesportsscholarships.com/softball#:~:text=Softball%20Scholarships%20by%20the%20numbers&text=Each%20NCAA%20DI%20program%20can,have%2...

re: Stanford 3 @ LSU 0 Final

Posted by 18handicap on 5/27/24 at 1:21 am
Kenny G is a lying dick... keep him away from LSU....

re: Stanford 3 @ LSU 0 Final

Posted by 18handicap on 5/26/24 at 12:13 pm
I'll say this until I turn blue in the face... I don't want Kenny Gajewski anywhere near our program unless he's in the opposition dugout. The dude is bat shite crazy... I can't say until the season is over, but there are some real good reasons why his #1 pitcher the past few seasons is now the #...
He also called the umpires a clown show......

re: South Carolina 11 @ LSU 12 Final

Posted by 18handicap on 5/25/24 at 4:53 pm
[quote]Watching from a cruise ship bar and they can’t turn on the sound[/quote] I'm on a cruise right now too and all I can get is the commentary here. Looking forward to getting to Miami in the morning so I can watch that shite ...

re: 50/50 crowd at the softball super?

Posted by 18handicap on 5/25/24 at 10:38 am
We have a few California players on our team and their families and friends came out in force from what I heard, plus our strong group of Tiger fans who love to travel are showing good.... from what I hear and read.. can't catch games on a cruise... The updates have helped me keep up and thanks t...

re: LSU 11 @ Stanford 1 Final

Posted by 18handicap on 5/24/24 at 9:38 pm
I had a choice... go to Stanford and listen to him or go on a cruise wherei can't watch or listen.. I chose cruise... But checking here for updates...

re: LSU 11 @ Stanford 1 Final

Posted by 18handicap on 5/24/24 at 9:37 pm
We have a few California players on our team and their families and fans showed up in force I heard. ...
Because at today's prices, going to fast food is now fine dining and they want to enjoy the experience as long as possible......
I believe 3 of the 4 WCWS that Beth coached us were super regionals won on the road... Missouri, James Madison, and Florida State. I remember going to all 3 supers... it's fun to win on the road and see the home fans sit on their hands and stay quiet. I like our chances at Palo Alto....

re: Softball Clown Behind Plate

Posted by 18handicap on 5/20/24 at 10:37 am
When it comes to him, we aren't eating our own... even his Facebook says studied at Auburn... if he can't sit behind home plate at Tiger Park, he says he won't come.. Also what kind of LSU fan would try to go and physically threaten the family of one of our coaches? I know because I got in betwee...

re: Softball Clown Behind Plate

Posted by 18handicap on 5/19/24 at 7:29 pm
Because he just goes and sits where he wants and LSU won't do anything about it. That's why I quit coming. ...

re: Softball Clown Behind Plate

Posted by 18handicap on 5/19/24 at 6:26 am
He went to Washington as Kelly Lynch (now at LSU) is from his hometown. He went to support her, which is commendable. His family and sister are wonderful people. I spoke with his father who works with the sheriff's office in Atlanta area, at the SEC Championship Game in 2019. It was a very enjo...

re: Softball Clown Behind Plate

Posted by 18handicap on 5/18/24 at 9:16 pm
[quote]complain to the ushers[/quote] That won't happen... two of them told me they were scared of him. He's real close to my seats and I complained to LSU and they won't do anything. He tried to go fight the family of one of the coaches... LSU did nothing. When I was donating money, they wo...