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Location:The Centennial State
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Registered on:10/12/2014
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Your prime is what you make it baw. Was I in my prime in college banging strange? Maybe Am I in my prime with 2 wonderful kids and a house and great job right now? Probably [img]https://y.yarn.co/77d16f04-6a35-4e6d-a1f0-1983241b1412_text.gif[/img]...

re: New Orleans NHL expansion?

Posted by Frac the world on 6/5/24 at 10:47 pm
Nobody in Nola is going for a hockey game, hockey is demographics dependent. We all know blacks in Nola ain’t gonna go see a hockey team. They’d move or fold within 2 years ...
Astros can get fricked for this blatant disregard of freedom, Houston is lost ...
[quote]That’s the point I was making. Our victory at Midway allowed us to on the offensive in the Solomons. Had we lost at Midway Guadalcanal would not have happened at lest for another year. So Midway paved the way for the Solomons. But it was in the Solomons where the true turning point of the war...
I love the Alien universe, just got done rewatching 1 and 2. But it needs a fresh setting, we’ve seen what appears to be plot of Romulus already. Prometheus tried valiantly, but had some retarded moments. I want a different setting. Aliens land in a remote Wyoming town or something due to a ...
Providence was with us that day. Backs up against the wall we kicked that butt, it was only a matter of when after Midway. Dick Best GOAT ...
I grew up with Pokémon, burned a hole in my GameBoy with the Red and Blue versions. I lost that, I’m not a Pokémon guy anymore I just kinda grew out of staying with it. But I threw on Detective Pikachu for the second time tonight out of sentimentality. It’s a damn good movie, why the hell a...
:rotflmao: [embed]https://x.com/JohnLeFevre/status/1797054633728258063[/embed]...


Posted by Frac the world on 6/2/24 at 4:40 pm
(No Message)...
Bammers don’t even know what baseball is but they gonna gape jawja in September that’s for damn sure you Athens yuppie ...
So many jealous lesbians out to get her, she needs to start throwing hands. For the first time in history of their shitty league they’re playing in front of large crowds and they hate the chick responsible for it. “You bitch!” [embed]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M6LonLuMDTw[/embed]...
Wife is gone tonight, once I put the kids down I will settle in with some edibles and enjoy this immensely ...
[quote]Other than his political views he seems an ok guy.[/quote] It sounds like you’re a beta soy boy cuck who helped Biden win GA ...
I thought Hemsworth was gonna take a long break from acting to hang with family? ...
Stay the course! [img]https://y.yarn.co/c58f593b-11b0-407e-9a63-af8f552f6f5b_text.gif[/img] [img]https://y.yarn.co/73a20ffc-8f1c-4a71-a3e3-326a62a0c1cb_text.gif[/img] [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/c16VH0CFMh7gOqqXOM/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952slsbtw0t9ef36irkn69nh73iqo9cojd9trurhgti&ep=v1...
frick this show, frick KK, and especially frick Headland ...
Damn sounds just like when Kirby ducked OU ...