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Location:Dallas, TX
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Registered on:10/20/2014
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frick. That. I would sooner amputate my arm at the elbow with a rusty hacksaw than use it to cast a vote for any goddamn demorat....
[quote]I think the whole point of this was a campaign ploy to label him a "convicted felon."[/quote] I also believe this, but I don't think it's going to have the desired result. The next option will be to stop him from campaigning. I don't believe he'll ever see the inside of a jail cell, but I'...
[quote]I hate that you commies have joined the SEC.[/quote] Don't judge us all by that fig....
[quote]These jurors had an axe to grind They know they’ll get to be on good morning America and cnn panels and book deals[/quote] Making themselves known to the general public is probably not a good idea....

re: Guilty

Posted by FluffyBunnyFeet on 5/30/24 at 4:09 pm
Not like this is a surprise. Can't wait to vote for him....
[quote]how is tobacco bad for your lungs yet marijuana is a-ok?[/quote] Weed is bad for your lungs too but most people don't smoke 20 to 40 joints a day like they do cigs....

re: DJT is not Hitler, people!

Posted by FluffyBunnyFeet on 5/22/24 at 12:14 pm
[quote]B T Barnum[/quote] Who? Idiot....
[quote]"Young" daughter?[/quote] Does she look "old" to you?...
[quote]He needs to shut up and kick, right?[/quote] He was invited to give a commencement address and that's what he did. You're a moron....
[quote]he accused the president of reneging on the deal they made[/quote] Did this dumb motherfricker just fall off the turnip truck in DC this morning?...
[quote]He lost me when he pulled his worn out race card.[/quote] He explained why he did that, and given the explanation I agree with him using it. These same leftist vermin telling a black dude where he can and cannot go on the campus of a university he pays to attend love to call everyone else r...
Top video at 1:15. "Hygenie" :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Fitting that they don't know how to spell that particular word. ...
God bless that man and God speed to him. :usa:...
[quote]Republicans know that this November they will lose the popular vote for president by millions of votes. Their only strategy to overcome this deficit is to make it harder to vote and easier to cheat.[/quote] Republicans don't give two shits about the popular vote because the popular vote does...
[quote]it's fricking expensive[/quote][quote]Since when does the govt give a shite about that?[/quote] I remember when they were going to build the Superconducting Super Collider near my childhood home in Waxahachie. The project got well into the construction process when congress decided to cut fun...
[quote]So basically the trips were completely useless.[/quote] Other than all the related advances in scientific research and technology, dunking on the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War, and cementing America as the undisputed most technologically powerful nation on the planet for half a ...
[quote]I'm not convinced either way but I do find it strange that we never went back. I feel pretty confident that had we gone once we'd continue to go back until we made the moon a de facto US territory.[/quote] We did go back. There were multiple moon landings. Each trip cost billions of dollar...
[quote]OzonaOkapi[/quote] It's already happened. Everyone knows who and what AWFLs are, and everyone knows they're the fricking worst. :lol:...
[quote]Trump’s viral Chick-fil-A hug with black supporter staged![/quote] So?...