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Number of Posts:10981
Registered on:1/7/2015
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[quote]Not really disagreeing with any of that. Just not much melody ot hook onto.[/quote]Fair enough. I can grasp not liking a whole style. To me he's a performer. Said it before. Not the-best at any one thing, but he sells it well, and seems to me he's not trying to be everything for everyb...

re: Just started "60 days in"

Posted by awestruck on 6/6/24 at 5:57 pm
[quote]For us non-TV watchers... [/quote][embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNyQdKZZqnM[/embed]I feel for you... ...
[quote]music without percussion.[/quote]What's a string band for $200. It's what lots of people clued into when hair bands became a thing. IE: If they hadn't already had the pleasure of being brought up with good music or been exposed to jams the whole family can appreciate. Grands, parents,...
[quote]committed [/quote][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPaeodTX0AAmvvw?format=jpg&name=900x900[/img][link=(https://x.com/Hayesfawcett3/status/1798799527643844995)]https://x.com/Hayesfawcett3/status/1798799527643844995[/link]...

re: Brian Battie

Posted by awestruck on 6/6/24 at 6:41 am
[link=(https://www.on3.com/teams/auburn-tigers/news/brian-batties-family-shares-encouraging-update-brian-is-a-fighter-and-always-has-been/)]link[/link][quote]“Brian is still currently in the ICU, but we are fortunate to share that on Saturday, Brian was able to give a thumbs up to his mom with his l...
[embed] [embed]https://youtu.be/bchTF-WWG14?si=TbaX8ZoOU3m24TfL[/embed][/embed]...
Like the length.... since I always get pick and little finger wear in that above the bridge area. If it's not glued down you might recenter the hole so the pickguard's more centered. But if it's done see where it wears....
[quote]Bryan Harsin @CoachHarsin Coaches do not make these kind of comments. [/quote]He's absolutely 100 percent correct. (if he had stopped right there)...
[quote]au4you[/quote]Relax dude - Chill We always shoot the messenger....
I'm waiting for the survivors tale's. ...

re: Snake ID

Posted by awestruck on 5/31/24 at 12:37 pm
Orange touch black give it a pat?...
[quote]Former water survival instructor for offshore. Water is a strange thing. You can see guys who swim like a fish, are extremely comfortable, some are even dive certified who absolutely FREAK OUT once that simulator flips in the water. A lot of guys just get simply disoriented and lose their coo...
[quote]Chex lost his shite on the poli board. He gone. . . [/quote]. . . to that great download in the sky....

re: playing the guitar

Posted by awestruck on 5/31/24 at 1:31 am
[quote]If I start lessons, how much / often is necessary for improvement? Once a week?[/quote]Last time it was twice a month and a 45 minute drive. Was heading here to say, lessons even if just temporal, there's just too much going on to see. And this knowledge base comes with an extra pair of...
[quote] downloadhelper extension[/quote] Have never had a problem with... but still turn it on-n-off when using....
What's changed? He's always been guilty. And we're always heading toward the end....
[quote]I live on a cattle farm[/quote] :cool: I'd also eat brisket....
[quote]I'm still working on the brisket.[/quote]This tain't Texas what you want brisket for anyway? Personally I've never found any BBQ'd beef that out-tasted well smoked pork....
[quote] I feel fortunate[/quote] :cheers: Benched for the weekend with a head cold. But the ribs still tasted pretty damn good. Hopefully this is the last down day....