Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:1284
Registered on:2/11/2015
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[quote]Anyone ever find themselves in a similar situation?[/quote] Yes - it sucks and you do what you have to do to provide for your family financially....
[quote]"Dude, you don't get head in this car" "Yes i fricking do!!"[/quote] The line before that was my favorite: "You still driving this thing?" "Dude, this car is a lighthouse for waitress pussy."...

re: Cold pizza is better than hot pizza

Posted by msap9020 on 5/23/24 at 12:54 pm
[quote]My wife says the same goofy shite but I have to strongly disagree[/quote] This made me laugh out loud....
[quote]The most played out shtick on here.[/quote] I bet ol baw $350 it aint....
A loaded weapon or at minimum the weapon that matched the rounds in their bags, harsh, but I can still get my head around the 12 years. But just the rounds? Cmon......12 years is waaaaay over the top whether you ardent rule followers want to say so or not. Lot of real by the book law abiding, judgme...
[quote]What an incredibly work intensive way to completely f up a brisket. I hate pastrami, corned beef or whatever you call it so I recognize I'm probably in the minority.[/quote] God I love the internet. Why the frick would you open this thread? Nobody cares what you like....

re: Fail Gifs. Let's post them.

Posted by msap9020 on 5/15/24 at 8:43 am
[quote]Didn't see this so if its a repost my fault [/quote] Saw that first clip w the white jeep the other day on the Chitshow channel. That is definitely the short version. It went on for like half an hour and he finally just gave up and left. Man card revoked....
There's no easy answer for this. Some of them deserve it because of merit or the fact they are true leaders of men, some of them are who they knew and some of them are - luck or timing. That said, I have seen some make it because of luck/timing/who they knew and were able to hold on or move up becau...
[quote]My dad always tells this story from when he was at LSU in the early 80s. I assume it happened, but I can't confirm that he wasn't making it up. He said he watched some guy sitting at a desk with his book open filling out the test sheet. A proctor just watched him the entire time. He finish...
Sorry not sorry. I don't hate this show as much as everyone wants me too....
I really don't know why but DeNiro stirring his coffee in Once Upon a Time in America. If you have seen this movie you know the scene I am talking about. Only DeNiro can heighten the intensity of a scene simply by stirring his coffee....
[quote]quote: How long you been married and are you the bread winner? 3 years and yes. I like my in laws, just don't want to go their house twice that quick. I told her I don't see them visiting us 2 of 3 weekends, and that if her brother's wife was trying this, they'd all tell him to st...
[quote]Not a story but I found out years ago the best way to fish from the best boat ever, the boat that someone else is paying for, is to offer to get the trailer at the end of the day....and back it down the ramp perfectly. Do it and offer to pay for the gas and you will get invited again. Works l...
[quote]The best ones involve old boy teaching the wife to back it in...[/quote] I know what you meant but so many opportunities here...........
How long you been married and are you the bread winner? Others will argue but those things go a long way when it comes to arguments like this. There are lots of other variables like your relationship w her, relationship w the in laws, etc. but those are probably the top of the list....
[quote]She gonna show them tittays?[/quote] There is a precedent....
The shear athletic form and grace in that video is amazing. You can tell they played lots of team sports in their youth..........and were picked last....

re: Do you sleep with the tv on?

Posted by msap9020 on 4/30/24 at 9:36 am
[quote]Nope. I can't do it. I like it pitch black with the ceiling fan on high and no other noise.[/quote] This but my wife (no pics) insists on having it on till she falls asleep. Fortunately she usually falls asleep before me and I turn it off....

re: It’s a really nice morning

Posted by msap9020 on 4/30/24 at 7:56 am
So is cheese toast just an open faced grill cheese? Educate me, please?...

re: Late Night With The Devil

Posted by msap9020 on 4/29/24 at 9:45 am
Finally got around to watching this weekend. I have to say, I was not all that impressed....