Favorite team:US Navy 
Location:White Privilege Broker
Biography:LSU Alum
Interests:Subjugating Minorities
Occupation:Being white
Number of Posts:76526
Registered on:8/19/2006
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Don't worry, people will claim to watch it, to own the chuds....
[quote]I’m just not a dumbass[/quote] [img]https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:600/1*bAUTC-8AK9WQ3A5BaZRhXw.jpeg[/img]...
Mocking content has better writing...
[quote]Same. It’s not Season 6 level GOT but it’s a solid show worth my time. For some reason, other people enjoying shows with high production value with average writing and acting in a familiar universe bothers the hell out of some people. Rather than just ignoring the show and moving on, they wou...
I looked at his post history. Full-on effete ultra-progressive. He hates Eric because he is an Anarcho-Capitalist. Nothing to do with his music....
[quote]Solid trailer. I'm in.[/quote]Watch it. or say you will, to own the anti-wokes You are the real hero Those snowflakes will just be skyscreaming over you watching it, and claiming to enjoy it. You should also watch Bros and the new Dr Who. That'll show them!...
I have no issue with diverse characters in games. I am among the few that enjoyed Deathloop. When a character is great, was developed organically, and also happens to check boxes. . .that is fine. Gay vamp from BG3 is a great example. My issue is the "we need to make a black/gay/trans characte...
[quote]Personally, if SBI is involved in this game I’ll wait it out and hear reviews instead of buying an AC game day 1 that I’ve wanted since black flag came out. That’s a bummer because when I read this was supposedly set in Japan it got me excited. They probably wouldn’t have made a better game t...
[quote]Also, they don't go around injecting DEI into every game they can. A developer goes to them when they've already decided to include that in their game and SBI helps them flesh it out.[/quote]almost right. It is more to do with getting ESG funding. Have to have a high enough score, so they ...
DEI consultants. Ruin everything they touch. They were responsible for the story and the character bios for Suicide Squad. They're job is LITERALLY to "woke" shite up to devs can get ESG monies. Even on games that were decent, their contributions stand out as horrible. They were the reas...
Apparently Sweet Baby Inc was heavy in this game. So expect dozens of trans and gay black people in feudal Japan. . .and the villain will definitely be a straight white colonizers. Gonna be worse than Valhalla....
[quote]I knew you were an idiot. I didn't expect you to be a terrorist sympathizer.[/quote]I mean, is this the binary? Blind support for Israel, or you are a terrorist sympathizer? Do better, Poli Board...
[quote]I actually really like Michael B Jordan, which i know isn't a popular position on this board.[/quote]People don't like him? [quote]Killmonger was about as generic[/quote]hard disagree. I find him one of the more compelling....
[quote]To be fair, these characters belong to Sony for movies. They can't be used in the MCU without permission.[/quote]Correct, but the Spidey films were completely MCU, per their agreement.. . .and so they (the villains) were written by MCU supervised writers I consider that an MCU written vill...
[quote] Who is this Gary you speak of?[/quote]Nerdrotic...
I know it has become popular to bash the show, now that Gary and crew have decided they all collectively hate it, but I thought it was tits. Max was boring, but it seems like he was supposed to be. All the B0S squires were bland. Lucy was great and Cooper was great. Ending was not bad, but ...
[quote]Not sure why now would be any worse [/quote]I mean. . .really? I mean Loki was a better written villain than anyone NOT fired for domestic violence I also thought the following were well written villains: Ego Killmonger Hydra Thanos Mysterio Vulture Hela Abomination...
Is he pro-Israel? I mean a little. But this bit of naivete: [quote] They didn't leave because he's Jewish.[/quote] [img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/2Ln1u3wMOjXbnka8Z690W3UBo8TlVUoCh60ddQIumt8/rs:fit:860:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9naWZk/Yi5jb20vaW1hZ2Vz/L2hpZ2gvamVubmlm/ZXItbGF3cmVuY2Ut/Y29vbC15ZWFoLW9r/...