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Favorite team:Tennessee 
Number of Posts:394
Registered on:4/27/2015
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re: Murph

Posted by Lawyers_Guns_Money on 5/26/24 at 1:23 pm
Knocked it out this morning. Had no intention of doing Murph, but this thread motivated me to get it done. Traveling - so did it in a gym without a vest. Assault runner for the 2 miles. Awesome workout. Going into it without a mindset of needing to beat previous year times opened me up to just...

re: Billy MF Strings

Posted by Lawyers_Guns_Money on 4/27/24 at 2:13 pm
Alright guys - I’m signing up for Nugs and watching the Rupp show tonight. I saw Billy open for Greensky in 2018, but have only fringe listened to him since. I was blown away that night, but never thought he’d get this big. Excited to jump back in and see what I’ve been missing. ...
Just get back on the wagon, no need to try to make up for it. That is what vacations are for. The only thing I would potentially consider if I was in this boat would be a 24 hour fast on the first day back, but I would probably just jump back into my training/eating plan. ...
This is badass, way to put yourself out there and being the man in the arena. Good luck! “[i]It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the ...

re: Rucking vest weight

Posted by Lawyers_Guns_Money on 4/9/24 at 9:34 am
If you are buying a GoRuck, don't buy their plates. I have the Rucker and buy the Yes4All plates on [link=(

re: Rucking vest weight

Posted by Lawyers_Guns_Money on 4/8/24 at 4:43 pm
[quote]Any specific benefits that you’ve noticed?[/quote] Hard to pinpoint it as I am training 6x a week and my rucking sessions are just additional movement aka "bonus" sessions. Either way, I think there is enough evidence for the importance of Zone 2 training & getting daily step count in....

re: Rucking vest weight

Posted by Lawyers_Guns_Money on 4/8/24 at 2:41 pm
I wear a GoRuck Rucker with 30lbs while walking my dog, typically get about 60-80 min per day in it. Goal is to get steps in and be in Zone 1 or Zone 2. I weigh 170lbs and the 30lb bag is easy, but I've been rucking for years. If you are just looking for general fitness, start at 20lbs and wo...
Meditation changed my life and is an absolute non-negotiable as important as fitness for me. I would pick either Calm or Headspace and do one of their intro courses. Start with a goal of ~10 min per day and increase time/frequency as you get more into it. Don't over think it - It will feel wei...
Yes, max out my HSA. Never taken a penny out of it, paid for everything out of pocket. ...

re: Larry Fleet anyone?

Posted by Lawyers_Guns_Money on 3/22/24 at 10:06 am
I really like his music, but wouldn’t go see him live a second time unless solo acoustic. Saw him at the Ryman a few months back. It was just too formulaic and Nashville pop for me. Every song was 3-4 min with a 10 second guitar jam, etc. Still love his songs, to me there was no point in spen...

re: Lifting Shoes

Posted by Lawyers_Guns_Money on 3/15/24 at 5:52 am
I have the same problem, for me I believe it’s an ankle mobility issue and not a shoe issue. I’m about to switch over to more serious powerlifting, was more Hybrid (Hyrox) training prior. I’m going to focus on ankle mobility and am buying the book “The Squat Bible” to work on form. With tha...
Scary stuff, not going to end well. I did so many dumb drunken things at his age and luckily got away with all of them. Watching the videos, this easily could have been me at his age....

re: RSU strategies

Posted by Lawyers_Guns_Money on 3/8/24 at 5:17 am
You are thinking about it correctly, that is my current strategy. I went 7 years without selling a single share and the stock has massively appreciated, so now I’m stuck with a huge chunk of stock and a huge tax bill. Trading restrictions make selling this stock tough. I’ve been selling all ...
This thing has been a game changer for me, eating protein ice cream mostly every night. Thanks to OP for this, I had never heard of it till I saw this thread...

re: Official CryptoTalk Thread

Posted by Lawyers_Guns_Money on 2/29/24 at 11:53 am
[quote]Every week I convert some USD to USDC and then swap the USDC for ETH for my DCA strategy. I've stopped converting USDC to ETH. I've got some plans for taking profits and holding onto them til next bear market to re-deploy. This is for my main stack. My play money just is what it is, hope to h...
Is anyone still accumulating or just riding with what you’ve got at this point? I’m heavily skewed towards BTC, wish I had more ETH. Just hesitant to get in at this point when I could have bought ETH the last 2 years....

re: Official CryptoTalk Thread

Posted by Lawyers_Guns_Money on 2/28/24 at 11:45 am
Am I the only one who doesn’t know anyone IRL left in the game? I swear everyone I knew had crypto in 2017, and now 100% of them are out (sold it, lost it, etc). I legit think I’m the last man standing for people I know in person ...

re: Official CryptoTalk Thread

Posted by Lawyers_Guns_Money on 2/28/24 at 10:58 am
What's everyone's plan then? frick it, I am setting the below plan for myself. This allows me to get my dream land on 100 acres. - $150k BTC Target - $5k ETH Target This is super greedy too, might need to revisit ...

re: Official CryptoTalk Thread

Posted by Lawyers_Guns_Money on 2/28/24 at 10:19 am
[quote]I have a list of things that I need to pay off or buy that are peace of mind type purchases, like some debt and my years of active service to add to my retirement, things like that. If I hit that number, I am out regardless of where we are in the bull market. If its tomorrow and I think th...
Sign up for some sort of event that will push your training in a new direction and require you to develop new skills. I’ve done this repeatedly and it lets me go on 6-12 month training adventures where I’m learning new aspects of fitness. Most of the time I also hire a coach to help me out. By...