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Registered on:5/13/2015
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“These people aren’t just going to sit there and wait to be rounded up,” former U.S. ambassador to Canada Bruce Heyman told a national security conference on June 3, according to Canada’s National Post.“ This seems like a win, win to me. I’d love to see Canada twist in pretzels trying to explain ...
It is phenomenal. It’s very nostalgic for me. My dad bought a 2nd vcr and spent a Friday recording a couple of our favorite movies after it came out on video. He got furious at me because I forgot what he was doing and rewound to rewatch a scene....
Waiting on the article about the “black fortresses of the south”...
Disappointed. I thought this article was going to list the best “white fortresses in the south”. ...
I knew a few eu countries have started to reject more in the last few years. I was u aware how long Denmark had been pushing back. Of course the reason is they want more hand outs for the ethnic Danish. The big problem facing all the western countries is getting the ethnic majorities to have childre...
Yep. Unfortunately while Hellmers was pitching the game of his life our bats shut off. 1 extra run 4-9 innings and we would’ve won....

re: Looking ahead to next year

Posted by Demonbengal on 6/3/24 at 8:50 pm
Does Hellmers have a Covid year? Not sure his situation. I guess he may have already graduated....
Hellmers was great. I hate it’s a loss, but he should be proud of the game he pitched. Just not enough offense...

re: This game is on Yeskie

Posted by Demonbengal on 6/3/24 at 8:25 pm
We have given up 4 runs in 10 innings and only 2 through 8....
What are the rules in DE? Does it just take one juror for it to be hung? If that’s the case, It just seems in Delaware you would have 2-4 that aren’t going to convict no matter the evidence....
Will probably be a hung jury. It’s in Delaware. If it were in Batesville, AR he would be guilty, and it would be the death penalty....

re: Colin Cowherd on Trump verdict

Posted by Demonbengal on 6/2/24 at 7:37 pm
Colin Cowherd voted for Bush, but he has also said he voted for Obama. He is an idiot....
Why would there be a race war? Young men fight wars and last I checked young black men are trending Trump....
Hope he can go one more at least....

re: Candidate For Worst Movie Ever

Posted by Demonbengal on 6/2/24 at 5:33 pm
[quote]2nd worst date movie was "When a man loves a woman". Got fooled by the title not knowing what the movie was actually about. Too depressed for sex after that movie.[/quote] When a man loves a woman may be the worst for me. I used to love Meg Ryan and Andy Garcia in the era too. Took a date ...

Pearson been big in this one.

Posted by Demonbengal on 6/2/24 at 1:42 pm
Guy gets dumped on sometimes. Good to see this kind of day for him....
Trump should promise to release all interviews and other protected audio, video after he wins. Let America see what the dems were willing to do....

re: Just so we are all clear

Posted by Demonbengal on 6/2/24 at 12:55 pm
But trying someone for election interference, that is their party’s nominee, within 6 months of the election is fine. No interference there....