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Location:Land of the Free
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Registered on:9/23/2015
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[quote]Biden Drops First Bomb On Normandy In 80 Years[/quote] :lol: That's going to leave a skidmark...
[quote]sta4ever[/quote] [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2F11dacaf7c197be78a110b650914eb672%2Ftenor.gif%3Fitemid%3D15034625&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=c7a2d6c310acc40401dcaeb8f09ccb06e9628029ebe56eae6e6a9f9e2939beef&ipo=images[/img] Slava Ukraini, Ho...
[quote]ays the guy who can't get basic facts right[/quote] And yet again, you have nothing substantive to add in response. ...
[quote]Correcting a lot of people posting incorrect things isn't "defending"[/quote] You have repeatedly said the only thing wrong with the case was the jury instructions, which is an absolute absurdity. No one, and I mean no one, takes you seriously. You’re a hack. A a slimy, squirmy, obfuscat...
[quote]“White people not watching” is the goal for actress in the new Star Wars series 'The Acolyte'[/quote] So they are bragging about being the gayest and the most racist version of Star Wars. Good luck with that. ...
Holy shite, that’s literally Roger ...
[quote]Politico had nothing but the highest praise for the creepy fricking corrupt "judge" in Trump's "hush money trial" who did NOTHING BUT play Calvinball for weeks and deny Trump's First and Sixth Amendment and due process rights while playing mutual pocket pool with the prosecution....[/quote] H...
[quote]Well this has transformed into one epic mini-melt[/quote] I agree. We all enjoy watching you melt down while pretending you haven't been perfectly fine with Merchan's actions in a political hit job against Trump. ...
[quote]What examples of "toting water" by me do you have?[/quote] Sorry, too many qualifiers. Ask better questions. Not worthy of answering. ...
[quote]Link?[/quote] Ask better questions...
[quote]Wut?[/quote] Ask better questions...
[quote]combined with significant increases to the minimum wage in California, put pressure on a number of its locations[/quote] Absolutely no one could have seen this coming......
[quote]Politico is pissed. [/quote] Good. Can't wait for SFP to show up to condemn Cannon's actions, after toting water for Merchan the past few weeks. ...
A hostile takeover of America where grandmas were armed with American flags and MAGA hats And the Capitol Police were escorting people around like it was a guided tour Anyone with half a brain cell knew that the Feds, along with Antifa, were the main culprits stirring shite up and creating a p...
[quote]Yet Rand saying he's not going to vote for Trump because of A,B,C would have an impact with some.[/quote] Would it impact you? ...
[quote]Toomer Deplorable[/quote] But… are you a doctor? ...