Favorite team:LSU 
Occupation:subduing yo-yo heads
Number of Posts:4327
Registered on:1/11/2004
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]Baseball is like a #5 sport for UNC - and you can’t beat us. Ever. That has to sting for a LSU baseball fan.[/quote] Yeah…Mississippi State has beaten us in football too. ...

re: Bats are going to come alive

Posted by TheBaker on 6/1/24 at 9:05 pm
I’d love that, but no. Bats have been dead other than solo shots. Then we have the Travinski’s of the world who are seniors and have ONE job…don’t hit into a double play. What does he do??? Envision a grand slam where he’s the hero instead of having a smart at bat and putting the ball in the outfie...
Railroads are actually considered “private property” of the railroad. So yeah they can do wtf they want as long as they’re on the rails. And PLEASE double check to see if your house actually sits on railroad property. In Maringouin years back, RR officials actually knocked on doors or residents, off...

re: Stony Brook 2.0

Posted by TheBaker on 5/31/24 at 1:05 pm
This is different. They legit look lost and unmotivated. ...

re: WTF Travinski

Posted by TheBaker on 5/31/24 at 12:48 pm
He’s too busy looking in the mirror. ...

re: When do we start panicking

Posted by TheBaker on 5/31/24 at 12:48 pm
At some point LSU will stop trying to stare them down and actually start playing baseball. Now is a good time. ...
…in 5 innings no less. Then essentially play without bats the rest of the weekend?? ...
Mystique brotha…LSU brings it. When everyone doubts, when most give up, when LSU is tempted, they remember the insignia on their uniforms and overcome. ...

re: Is Milam better than Todd Walker?

Posted by TheBaker on 5/25/24 at 5:45 pm
[quote]Whoa bro. Cool your jets. I know you’re excited, but time will tell.[/quote] I legit LOL’d at this! Yeah man, he’s at a 10…we need him at a 5. ...

re: LSU wins the SEC tourney they host

Posted by TheBaker on 5/22/24 at 2:12 pm
Yeah kinda like they did in 2010, when they were defending National Champs and had a sub-par season, but won the SEC Tournament. Oh, wait…...
[quote]Didn't help Harvey Williams ran his mouth off[/quote] Harvey definitely was a confident dude. But he did put Spielman on his arse late in the game on a 3rd and short. The block sprung Victor Jones for a 1st. Put LSU in position for the game winning FG. Retarded coaching prevented that. ...
[quote]Andolsek[/quote] [quote]I think he and Spielman got into it.[/quote] They did. Funny thing is they became best friends up until Eric’s death. Both played for Detroit. ...
[quote]I worked with one of the back judges who worked the game. There was a second half fumble call that went against us (no replay back then) when I asked him about it the next week he said- “yea we missed that one.” Would not have been a tie if they got call correct.[/quote] Holy crap I forgot...
Most publicized game I can remember as a kid. We threw a pick inside the damned 10 late in the game, blowing a chance at a game winning chip shot FG which would’ve given us a 16-13 win. Freaking 34 year old Mike Archer let Earle Bruce (OSU coach) intimidate him. LSU wins, they just to 3rd in the pol...

Good Lord

Posted by TheBaker on 5/10/24 at 9:20 pm
I have no words...

re: Shaq always reppin' LSU

Posted by TheBaker on 5/7/24 at 7:48 am
[quote]Why aren’t those the permanent uniforms? So clean[/quote] Agreed. Simple, yet solid. Complete w/the basketball tiger on the shorts. ...
Tied Tennessee, were upset by Mississippi State and freaking Tulane, and lost by 1 point to Nebraska. Win the games they were supposed to and hang on vs Tennessee, then LSU is undefeated SEC champs goin into the sugar bowl. ...
Love my ‘21. Got the 5.3 which is good for me. Got pulled over goin 110 on I-10 and didn’t even realize it. Smooth, pretty quick, and 4x4 performs well. Only “complaint” is my key gets stuck in the ignition. Have to restart it, then kill it to remove it. Other than that, it’s great. ...
Well, this is what happens when you have cross-dressing, weak arse pussies running the country. What a frickING disgrace. ...